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Brand new to the game? Gather round swabbies, lets get you started!

What's all this and why should I care?

I'm Thopterthallid. I like to write game guides as a hobby. I've been sailing the Sea of Theives since day one, and I've learned a thing or two. With Christmas having just past, and the game still half off on Steam, I've seen a HUGE influx of new players on the waves and in my crew. It's an exciting time to be a pirate and I want to help you get your sea legs and give you the best head start that I can.
I'll be writing this as a sort of blend between a guide and a F.A.Q post. And if you have any questions yourself, be sure to ask them in the comments! I'll try and answer everyone.

Here there be monsters.

The single most important thing to know and accept about Sea of Theives is that it has (for lack of a better term) "non-consensual PvP". This means that you'll be sharing the seas with other crews, and those ships are perfectly within their rights as defined by the game to attack you on sight. That's not to say that every crew you meet will be hostile though. Most crews I've come across are perfectly chill, and there's plenty of PvE content to keep what I'd say are the majority of players busy.
The second most important thing to know is that Sea of Thieves is not like Rust, or Ark. Nobody is going to destroy your things while you're offline, nobody can steal your gold or items you've bought, and the only things that can be taken from you are treasures you've yet to turn in, and freely spawning supplies you'll find in every barrel. You'll only be set back as much time as you're willing to risk, and maybe some bruised pride.
You will get boarded, cut down, shot, sunk, and burned by other players in this game. It's not cheating, it's not griefing, it's not against the rules of the game. If you can accept that, you'll have a great time with Sea of Thieves.

So what do you do in this game?

The gameplay loop of Sea of Thieves is a simple one. You'll set out on quests like bounties and treasure hunts, participate in world events like fleet battles and boss raids, and interact with other crews for better or worse. Your goal is to gather up treasures like chests, gems, cursed skulls, trinkets, trade goods, and animals to sell at outposts. With the gold you earn, you can buy cosmetic items like clothing, weapon skins, and ship parts. As you turn in treasures, your ranking in various factions called Trading Companies will rise. As you level up in Trading Companies, you'll unlock more lucrative voyages and new kinds of missions.
All progression in the game is either cosmetic, or unlocking ways to earn gold faster. Your pirate never grows stronger, your weapons deal the same damage as they did before, there's no magic blade that inflicts elemental effects, and your ship's hull never gets any more durable than it is. This might throw a few players off. It's definitely odd to play a multiplayer open world game like this and not find any sort of mechanical progression, but I think that's a testament to how fun the game is. We don't play because we're grinding levels to get to new content. We play because there's no other game like Sea of Thieves out there.

What should I be doing first?

The very first thing you should do is the Maiden Voyage. When you first launch Sea of Thieves, you'll be prompted to check out this tutorial mission. You'll be dropped on a safe, single-player island where you can get acquainted with the controls and feel of the game. For the cleverest and most determined pirates, there's a sizable gold reward hiding on the island for you. If you don't find it, don't worry. You can come back here any time from the main menu. Once you've completed the Maiden Voyage, you'll be placed into a live game. From here, you'll be offered the Onboarding Voyage. This will get you used to the loop of the game; get treasure, turn into NPC for a reward. After that, the sky is the limit and you've just unlocked 90% of the content in the game.
The first thing I'd suggest doing is talking to the Gold Hoarder in the green tent. He'll offer you some free starting voyages. The rewards for these early voyages are really low, but its important to understand how to locate and island, sail to it, retrieve treasure form it, and sail back. Luckily, these early voyages won't send you far. Bring the voyage to your ship and slap it down on the quest table. You'll either be given a riddle, a map, or some combination of both. Check your ship's sea chart to find the name of the island in the riddle, or the island that matches the picture on your map. You're already well on your way. Once you've become more acquainted with the seas, you can try an Order of Souls voyage or Merchant Alliance voyage.

What shouldn't I do early? What is that thing in the sky?

From time to time, you'll often see strange glowing symbols or trails in the air. These are world events and should be avoided when you're still learning the game.
A white skull cloud in the sky with green eyes is an active skeleton fort. Sailing near it is hazardous, as the fort's cannons will open fire on you. In addition, these tend to attract players. If you can defeat all the waves of skeletons inside, defeat the skeleton lord, and steal all the loot in the vault, you'll be very wealthy, but it's a tall order for a new player on their own.
A white skull cloud in the sky with red eyes is probably the most dangerous world event. The Fort of the Damned can only be summoned through a somewhat cryptic ritual involving acquiring a rare skull, and dying in six different fashions to unlock colored flames. This is the most valuable single activity in the game, and players will sail across the ocean to compete for it. I can't stress enough that you shouldn't even park at an island next to them unless you're prepared to be boarded and sunk. Players put a lot of time in starting the event and they WILL NOT tolerate you hiding nearby if they percieve you to be a threat.
A flaming tornado is the Ashen Winds event. On one of the large islands, one of four skeleton lords will spawn. They have tons of health, multiple forms, and are going to be the most heavily contested event during all of January save for a Fort of the Damned.
A cloud that looks like a galleon is the Skeleton Fleet Battle event. These are probably the least contested event in the game as they take a lot of resources to burn through. It's a good idea to keep your distance from these clouds as the skeleton ships that spawn will encircle your ship and broadside you with cursed cannonballs.
A glowing red skull in the sky wearing a hat is the Flameheart Fleet Battle. The ghostly ships that spawn are much more fragile than the ones from the other fleet battle, but cluster in much greater numbers. You'll need a lot of resources to defeat them all. Flameheart himself will comment on whats happening, such as another player ship entering the battle. The ghost ships sometimes drop crates full of cannonballs and planks, so it's not always a bad idea to sink a few to try and get one for a top up on supplies.
Glowing ribbon-like streams floating upwards signal the location of a Reaper's Chest or Reaper's Bounty. These treasures are worth a lot of gold and doubloons. These chests appear on maps as red or yellow skulls. which means if you pick one up, everyone will know where you are and where you're going. You'll need to take the chest to Reaper's Hideout near the center of the map. If you think you can get away with it, it's a good prize. Avoid it if you're carrying a lot of treasure you don't want to lose though.
As for other emergent encounters... You'll also meet Skeleton Sloops, Skeleton Galleons, Megalodons, and Krakens out on the seas. They're challenging opponents, but drop a decent bit of loot if you can take them out.

What are all the trading companies and what do I do with them?

The Gold Hoarders will send you on voyages to find buried chests. They'll give you riddles, or X-marks-the-spot type maps that lead you to troves of treasure which they can unlock for you if you split the contents with them. When you reach rank 25, they'll offer a new type of voyage that has you looking for map fragments that lead you to a vault full of treasure.
The Order of Souls will send you on voyages to destroy skeleton captains. These captains are tougher than normal skeletons and often have special traits to them, such as being immune to damage in the dark, or being made of gold. Once you reach rank 25, you'll be able to go on voyages to defeat ghostly fleets of galleons.
The Merchant Alliance will send you on Trade Good Voyages, which task you with finding supplies, animals, and gunpowder and delivering them to a specific outpost. They'll also send you on Cargo Runs, which task you with picking up fragile cargo from one island and taking it to another. Devil's Roar Cargo Runs are easily the best way to make money in the game. In the next update, they'll offer a new kind of voyage called Merchant Detectives that tasks us with locating lost shipments.
The Hunter's Call don't give out voyages. Instead, they'll buy any meat or fish you bring them. You'll get more gold and reputation by turning in cooked meals instead of raw. Some of the rarest fish in the game will sell for massive amounts of money. You won't find them on outposts. Instead, a Sea Dog's representative is waiting for you on each seapost. The tiny islands with little buildings on them. As an aside, Seaposts will sell clothing you can find in normal shops at a modest discount, so keep an eye out for deals!
The Sea Dogs don't give out voyages. Instead, they offer unique cosmetics for participating in the Arena. Separate from the normal adventure mode. Sadly, this mode never lived up to it's potential and won't be receiving any new updates. It's still worth playing to jump into ship to ship combat.
The Reaper's Bones don't give out voyages. Instead, they task players with hunting down emissaries and returning their flags to Reaper's Hideout.
Athena's Fortune are the "end game" trading company. Their voyages involve completing eight Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls, and Merchant missions before offering a voyage to dig up a chest of legends, one of the best chests in the game. To access this trading company, you need to reach rank 50 in three other trading companies.
The Bilge Rats are the event trading company. You don't rank up with them, but they'll offer seasonal voyages, event-based cosmetic items, and other cool things. You can also pay doubloons to get certain event triggering items like the Ritual Skull for Fort of the Damned.
It should be noted that none of the factions are "at war" with one another. In the lore, they often cooperate and work together (Aside from the reaper's bones). You can work with all eight trading companies without locking yourself out of the others.

What are emissaries?

The emissary system is a high risk, high reward style of playing. To be an emissary, you need to pay up 20,000 gold for the right to sail under a trading company's flag. Once you're an emissary, you can at any time raise the emissary flag by voting with your crew. When the flag is up, performing activities for that trading company will level up your flag up to 5. For example, if you're an Order of Souls emissary, you'll level up your flag by finding skulls, defeating captains, defeating skeleton lords, etc. If your ship sinks, you lose your flag and must raise it again from level 1. Levelling up your flag increases the gold reward for turning in items. Level 2 gets you an extra 33%. Level 3 gives you 66%. Level 4 doubles your reward, and having a level 5 flag gives you a whopping 2.5x bonus on all loot turned in for that faction.
Note that you only need to pay the 20,000 ONCE. Once you own the flag, you can raise it whenever you want.
The downside to playing as an emissary is that Reaper's Bone's players will be out to find you. By levelling up a Reaper's Bones flag to level 5, that crew will be able to see ALL other emissaries on the map. To balance this out, all Reaper's Bones emissaries appear on the map regardless of their level.

What else is there to do when I'm bored of voyages?

Tall Tales make a great chance of pace. Long adventures that will have you sail all over the world solving riddles, exploring dungeons, dodging traps, and fighting skeleton lords. Sea of Thieves has a surprisingly rich lore, and new world activities like Flameheart's fleet and the Ashen Winds raid that are added to the game are set into motion by events that occur during these story quests. I don't recommend them for brand new players as they tend to require a little bit of knowledge of the world, but don't skip out on them.

What is the Devil's Roar?

The Devil's Roar is the easternmost area of the Sea of Thieves. Its a series of volcanic islands that are very hazardous to pirate and ship alike. Volcanic rocks, earthquakes, steam geysers, and ashen skeletons are just some of the dangers that lurk in this area. If you're brave enough to explore it, all the loot you'll find there is worth double the value of normal loot. It's a great place to earn money, and PvP players tend not to venture there. Just be sure to drop what you're doing and run back to the boat when the caldera starts to smolder, otherwise there's a good chance your ship will be at the bottom of the ocean when you get there.

How do the microtransactions work?

Sea of Thieves has a microtransaction store called the Pirate Emporium. Microtransactions gross a lot of people out, but I don't think that Sea of Thieves does it in an especially predatory or icky way. I'll try to give as non-bias of an opinion as I can.
As I said before, you CAN earn Ancient Coins in game, but there's a big catch. You can only get them by defeating Ancient Coin Skeletons. These skeletons are absurdly rare, and in my hundreds of hours of playing I've only seen two. The combined total of Ancient Coins they gave me were barely enough to get a cheap emote. It's almost a non factor. THAT SAID, Rare is adding new ways to earn Ancient Coins in the next update. We'll see how it goes.
All things considered, I think that it's handled with at least some level of tact. It's not shoved in your face, and they avoid most of the big predatory tactics.

Quick FAQs:

How do I get a pet? The only way to get pets is to buy them in the Pirate Emporium. You'll need Ancient Coins which can be purchased for real money, or dropped from the VERY rare Ancient Coin Skeletons.
How do I know when food is cooked? Food will change color twice. Raw > Undercooked and then Undercooked > Cooked a few seconds later. There will also be a sound queue that sounds more sizzly. Fish will turn golden brown with white eyes.
What do different kinds of cannonballs do?
What are the advantages of each ship?
How do I get different colored lanterns?
When you die, the torch on the ferry of the damned will offer you a flame of fate. Raise your lantern and press the button prompt to take that colored flame. The color you get is determined by how you died:
When you have the flame in your lantern, you can set your ship's lanterns to those colors as well!
Where do I turn in this treasure?
Sometimes you'll find some strange treasure that doesn't go who you expect it to. Here's a quick guide:
Good techniques?
If you hold block while charging a sword, you can more freely move before performing a sword lunge. Jump just before you lunge to launch yourself great distances through water.
When digging, double tap the X key after each strike of your shovel to put it away and take it back out. You'll be able to dig treasure almost twice as fast.
When a riddle tells you to count paces, equip your compass and hold the mouse button. Your character will slowly walk and count steps more visibly.
When you're struggling with an X-marks-the-spot map, one of the best landmarks you can use to position yourself are those bright red plants.
When shooting an enemy ship, aim for the top deck if they're firing back. This will knock other players and skeletons off the cannons. If they aren't shooting you, aim below the water line so they take more damage.
If a harpoon latches onto your ship, you can quickly cut the line by slashing at the harpoon gun with a sword, or hitting it with a bullet.
What are some good resources for new players?
An interactive map that can help with riddles, tall tales, finding certain animals, and MUCH more. A must bookmark for every player.
PhuzzyBond's Youtube Channel. Dude is a Sea of Thieves genius and makes tons of great guides, such as how to win battles as a solo player.
Optimal sail positions for each ship in different wind conditions.

I hope that covers everything. If you have any questions, let me know! I'll try to answer them.

submitted by Thopterthallid to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

[USA-NJ] [H] 2DS Console, games for most Nintendo consoles, PS1/2, Nintendo Powers, collectibles [W] CIB's: Fire Emblem, Kirby's Dream Land 2, Mega Man X Command Mission with card, list, offers

Adding a bunch of items since my last post!
I have 90+ confirmed trades. Also, fair warning, these lists are long, I have a lot of stuff for trade! Looking to do fair value but where I have an item that is worn / in poor shape I value that lower than eBay averages due to condition. Also bolded items are hard trades and I usually only trade limited print Switch games for other limited print Switch games (with some exceptions).
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.
p.p.s. If we are going to trade, all I ask is please be honest about the condition of your items. I can provide pictures for anything I have, please be willing to do the same! Thanks!


Switch games, accessories, cards
3DS console, games, accessories
3DS boxes and manuals (no games)
DS games and accessories
Almost every boxed game below has some minor wear to the box
DS boxes and manuals (no games)
GBA games and videos
GBC games and more
GB games and more
Wii U games and packaging
Wii games and accessories
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
N64 boxes and manuals
NES games and accessories
PS3 boxes and manuals (no games)
PS2 games
PS2 boxes and manuals (no games)
PSX games
PSX boxes and manuals (no games)
IBM Tandy
Strategy guides
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff, all should be CIB unless noted:
The rest:
Pre-order bonuses
Amiibo (want loose)
LRG Cards
Cards for Flinthook, Furi, Slime San, ToeJam and Earl, Golf Story, Dragon's Lair Trilogy, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Lumines Remastered, Yooka-Laylee, The Escapists and Saturday Morning RPG
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB but also fine with NIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Other Switch Games (looking for CIB and clean)
3DS Games
Wii U
Strategy Guides
I'm happy to look at lists, but these are my priority wants.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

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submitted by freespins1 to u/freespins1 [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Games for Switch, N64, GameCube, 3DS/DS, GBA/GBC/GB, PS2/1, 2DS Consoles, collectibles [W] Fire Emblem CIB, Mario Party 2 box and inserts, Zelda Ages CIB, Mega Man X Command Mission with card, list

I have 90+ confirmed trades. Also, fair warning, these lists are long, I have a lot of stuff for trade! Looking to do fair value but where I have an item that is worn / in poor shape I value that lower than eBay averages due to condition. Also bolded items are hard trades and I usually only trade limited print Switch games for other limited print Switch games (with some exceptions).
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.
p.p.s. If we are going to trade, all I ask is please be honest about the condition of your items. I can provide pictures for anything I have, please be willing to do the same! Thanks!


Switch games, accessories, cards
3DS console, games, accessories
3DS boxes and manuals (no games)
DS games and accessories
DS boxes and manuals (no games)
GBA games and videos
GBC games and more
GB games and packaging
Wii U games and packaging
Wii games and accessories
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
NES games and accessories
SEGA Genesis
PS3 boxes and manuals (no games)
PS2 games
PS2 boxes and manuals (no games)
PSX games
PSX boxes and manuals (no games)
IBM Tandy
Strategy guides
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff, all should be CIB unless noted:
The rest:
Pre-order bonuses
Amiibo (want loose)
LRG Cards
Cards for Flinthook, Furi, Slime San, ToeJam and Earl, Golf Story, Dragon's Lair Trilogy, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Lumines Remastered, Yooka-Laylee, The Escapists and Saturday Morning RPG
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB but also fine with NIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Other Switch Games (looking for CIB and clean)
3DS Games
Strategy Guides
I'm happy to look at lists, but these are my priority wants.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Sealed 2DS XL, Games for Nintendo and PS systems, gaming collectibles, comics [W] Mega Man games for GC / PS2, Xenoblade 2 SE, Fire Emblem GBA games, more, lists

I realized I have a massive Mega Man sized hole in my GameCube and PS2 collections. I'm also still on the hunt for Xenoblade 2 Special Edition. I'm looking to get that and some other high end stuff that has been eluding me for a while, so I'm bringing out some heavy hitters in exchange. I only want to trade bold items for bold items. I also may be willing to add cash in some instances, but would really like to trade!
I have 90+ confirmed trades. Also, fair warning, these lists are long, I have a lot of stuff for trade! Looking to do fair value but where I have an item that is worn / in poor shape I value that lower than eBay averages due to condition.
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.


Switch games, accessories, cards
3DS console, games, accessories, packaging
DS games and packaging
GBA games and accessories
GBC games and more
GB games and packaging
Wii U games and packaging
Wii games and accessories
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
N64 loose games
N64 booklets
Most of these have wear
NES loose games and accessories
Pictures of most items here
SEGA Genesis games
PS3 games
PS2 games
Pictures of most games here
PSX games
Pictures of most games here
IBM Tandy
Strategy guides and gaming magazines
Pictures of most guides here
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff, all should be CIB unless noted:
The rest:
Super Mario Maker 2DS console either CIB or loose with stylus
Pre-order bonuses
AC Amiibo Cards
Mario Sports Amiibo Cards
Amiibo (want loose)
LRG Cards
Cards for Flinthook, Furi, Slime San, ToeJam and Earl, Golf Story, Dragon's Lair Trilogy, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Lumines Remastered, Yooka-Laylee, The Escapists and Saturday Morning RPG
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB but also fine with NIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Other Switch Games (looking for CIB and clean)
3DS Games
may also be interested in other games CIB...
Strategy Guides
I'm also happy to look at lists, but these are my priority wants.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Games for Switch, N64, GameCube, 3DS/DS, GBA/GBC/GB, PS2/1, 2DS Consoles, collectibles [W] Fire Emblem CIB, Mario Party 2 box and inserts, Zelda Ages CIB, Mega Man X Command Mission with card, list

I have 90+ confirmed trades. Also, fair warning, these lists are long, I have a lot of stuff for trade! Looking to do fair value but where I have an item that is worn / in poor shape I value that lower than eBay averages due to condition. Also bolded items are hard trades and I usually only trade limited print Switch games for other limited print Switch games (with some exceptions).
p.s. "CIB" means complete, as in including all the booklets and such that were supposed to come in there, otherwise I will clarify what is included. "NIB" means New In Box, aka sealed, "brand new," in the shrink, etc.
p.p.s. I've had some bad experiences recently with trades. All I ask is if we are going to trade, please be honest about the condition of your items. I can provide pictures for anything I have, please be willing to do the same! Thanks!


Switch games, accessories, cards
3DS console, games, accessories, packaging
DS games and packaging
GBA games and accessories
GBC games and more
GB games and packaging
Wii U games and packaging
Wii games and accessories
GameCube games, accessories and packaging
NES loose games and accessories
Pictures of most items here
SEGA Genesis games
PS2 games
Pictures of most games here
PSX games
Pictures of most games here
IBM Tandy
Strategy guides
Collectibles and posters
Comic Books
Random Stuff


The high priority stuff, all should be CIB unless noted:
The rest:
Pre-order bonuses
AC Amiibo Cards
Amiibo (want loose)
LRG Cards
Cards for Flinthook, Furi, Slime San, ToeJam and Earl, Golf Story, Dragon's Lair Trilogy, PixelJunk Monsters 2, Lumines Remastered, Yooka-Laylee, The Escapists and Saturday Morning RPG
Limited Print Switch Games (prefer CIB but also fine with NIB, also fine with Best Buy retail versions when applicable)
Other Switch Games (looking for CIB and clean)
3DS Games
may also be interested in other games CIB...
Strategy Guides
I'm happy to look at lists, but these are my priority wants.
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

[USA-NJ] [H] AGS 101, DSi XL, Games, Amiibo, Pro Audio Headphones [W] Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for Switch, my list, your offers

Hello everyone, back again looking to swap! I am happy to announce that I recently completed 50 confirmed trades! I have 5 sections of items to offer: Systems, Games, Amiibo, Collectibles, and Miscellaneous. Click on the name of an item to view pictures. If I don't have pictures, they are available on request. All items are NA region except where noted. Prefer to trade in continental US, of course.
I'm trying to land some hard to find wants from my list below, and to that end I'm bringing out some hard trades. If an items says hard trade, then I only want to trade it toward bolded wants from my list below (games like Shantae and the Pirate's Curse for Switch, Izuna series for DS or Virtual-On Marz for PS2). I'm also willing to add cash in such instances.
I am also happy to sell these items and have linked my GameSale post at the end! And if you see something here that isn't in my GameSale post, it might mean that I forgot to list it there or that it's only for trading, just ask.



25th Anniversary Mario Red DSi XL sold on Mercari
Glacier AGS 001 GBA - Has scratches on screen, otherwise fine, still has battery cover.


3DS Condition Notes
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse NIB
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance CIB Hard trade, also have Brady Games strategy guide
Rune Factory 4 CIB
Bravely Default CIB
Pokemon Rumble Blast Loose
Mario Party Island Tour Loose
Poochy and Yoshi's Woolly World PAL EU Region NIB PAL EU region, not NA!
Animal Crossing New Leaf Box and manual only Back plastic has a cut, cover art not affected
Brain Age Concentration Training Box and manual only Cover art has a tear on back
new Nintendo 2DS XL Quick Start Insert Insert only

DS Condition Notes
EMS NDS Adapter CIB Includes CD. Only works with 32 bit Windows (XP is best). For transferring saves to/from PC. Does not work with 3DS games.
Game and Watch Collection 2 NIB Very hard trade, Club Nintendo exclusive item
Final Fantasy 3 CIB Hard Trade
Korg DS10+ CIB Hard Trade
Bejeweled 3 CIB No slipcover
Sims 2 Pets CIB
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky Box only No booklets or game
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Manual and inserts only No box or game

Big lot of GBA / GBC / GB game boxes and manuals, no games - Willing to split. Please check photos for condition. All the posters included are in excellent condition. The Game Boy manual and poster in picture 8 are from a Play It Loud series original DMG box. There's also a few DS and 3DS items included.
Game Boy Advance Condition Notes
Pokemon Ruby CIB
Sword of Mana CIB
Mario Kart Super Circuit CIB Player's choice version
Mario Kart Super Circuit Prima Strategy Guide n/a
Atari Anniversary Advance CIB Hard trade
Pac Man World 2 CIB Hard Trade
Spyro 2: Season of Flame Loose
Disney’s Party CIB
Spyro 2: Season of Flame Loose
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory CIB
Danny Phantom the Ultimate Enemy CIB
Fairly Odd Parents Clash with the Anti World CIB
Home on the Range CIB
Ratatouille CIB
Spyro 2: Season of Flame Loose
Green Eggs and Ham CIB
Spyro 2: Season of Flame Loose
YuGiOh 7 Trials to Glory Loose
YuGiOh The Sacred Cards Loose
Monster Trucks Loose
Backyard Football Loose
Backyard Basketball Loose
Chicken Little Game and Manual
Off-brand GBA SP charger (looks like an official one, but isn't) n/a

Game Boy Color Condition Notes
Vegas Games CIB
Metal Gear Solid Loose Hard trade
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge Loose Tear on label
Looney Tunes Carrot Crazy Loose Torn label
Spongebob Squarepants and the Lost Spatula Loose Torn label

Game Boy Condition Notes
The Pagemaster CIB
InfoGenius Spell Checker and Calculator CIB Still has partial shrink wrap
WWF Warzone CIB
Yoshi Loose Slight discoloration on cart
Pac Man Loose
Centipede Loose
Amazing Spider Man Loose
Amazing Spider Man 3 Loose
Jack Nicklaus Golf Game and manual
Casino Fun Pack Game and manual
Shanghai Manual Manual only
Sneaky Snakes Manual Manual only
Donkey Kong Super Game Boy insert Insert only First page is in bad shape but all pages are intact

Wii U Condition Notes
Nintendo Land Box and manual only No game

GameCube Condition Notes
Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy CIB
Dead to Rights CIB

NES Condition Notes
Legend of Zelda gold cart Loose Hard trade
Metroid Loose Hard trade
Blaster Master Loose Hard trade
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt Loose

PS3 Condition Notes
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Limited Edition CIB Includes card with online pass code
Call of Duty Black Ops CIB

PS2 Condition Notes
Sly 2 Band of Thieves CIB Red Label
Sonic Heroes CIB
Spy Hunter CIB
Gran Turismo 4 CIB Red Label
Gran Turismo 3 CIB Red Label
Defender CIB
Maximo Ghosts to Glory CIB
Manhunt Loose
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary CIB Red Label but there was never a black label release in North America, I kid you not
Namco Museum CIB Slight tear on manual
Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies CIB Red label
Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies Loose
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb CIB
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith CIB
Rygar the Legendary Adventure CIB
Pac Man World 2 CIB Red Label
ESPN NBA 2k5 Loose
Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures CIB

PS1 Condition Notes
Reel Fishing 2 Loose
Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit Back cover art

SEGA Genesis Condition Notes
Road Rash 2 CIB


Figure Condition Notes
Poochy and Yoshi's Woolly World PAL EU Region Big Box NIB Can hold a poochy amiibo and game from any region, much nicer than the NA region box, game is also available and is sealed, boxes in UK do not come sticker sealed so this is new condition and can be opened
King K Rool First Print NA NIB
Young Link First Print NA NIB Hard Trade
Marth First Print EU NIB
Pac Man First Print NA NIB
Sonic the Hedgehog First Print NA NIB
Mario Series Peach NA NIB Has a crease above plastic
Mabel NA NIB, has some wear on cardboard
Splatoon Blue Inkling Boy NA NIB
AC Amiibo Card: Digby 009 mint


Item Notes
Wendy's Super Mario Kart vehicles sealed Two styles available
Wendy's Super Mario Advance Board Game sealed Looks like a miniature GBA game box, hard trade
Poster: German Amiibo Buying Guide Released at launch of SSB wave 1
Poster: Nintendogs 28x40"
Poster: Monster Hunter 3 Tri 20x27"
Poster: Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games 40x14"
Poster: New Super Mario Bros Wii / Zelda Spirit Tracks 12x17"
Poster set: Bravoman and Bravoman x Wonder-Momo 11x15"
Poster: Jet Force Gemini From Nintendo Power
Poster: Super Mario Galaxy From Nintendo Power
Poster: Crime Killer From EGM


Item Notes
Shure SRH 440 Professional Studio Headphones Great condition, gently used, comes with leather bag and 1/8" to 1/4" gold adapter. Retails for $99.99.
Large collection of Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image comics Click the link for a full list of what is available
Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5 Digital Camera Complete in original box with a bonus carrying bag and microfiber cloth, still works, battery doesn't last as long as it used to though. Does not have USB cable, so you need to use the SD card if you want to be able to transfer your photos off the camera.
Old iPod Touch Some scratches, has a bunch of Chinese songs on it, I can include a USB charger if you like. Unlocked.
Ledger Nano S Whitepaper Edition Sealed
Hatsune Miku Merch Mega Bundle Cosplay tie and suspenders, socks, plush, stickers, posters, keychain, webcomic anthology, and two men's shirts (one is L other is M), can be broken up
Quao card game Open box but some of the cards are still sealed
Trial of the Clone A modern CYOA style book
Three Word Phrase Volume One
Little Red Book Complete Street Guide to New York City
2 1932 Olympic stamps


Before you go through this long list, please note I am also happy to look at offers.
Firstly, I'm trying to track down some unusual specific items, help me out!
Other stuff I'm looking for
All my game wants are CIB except where noted. Accessories are loose. And it should go without saying, but everything should be clean and in good condition! I have sorted them by system; bold wants are high priority! But I am also open to offers for any of the systems below, so feel free to offer stuff not listed here.


I'm interested in more games than what you see on this list, feel free to make offers

PS Vita

"new" 3DS




GBA (can be loose but CIB preferred)

GBC (can be loose but CIB preferred for games)

GB (can be loose but CIB preferred for games)

Wii U




I still need a power cord for my N64 so I'm not prioritizing acquiring games yet, but here are the games I am interested in. Would love to get CIB but will probably settle for loose for now:


I have not had an SNES in years. I am somewhat interested in acquiring a unit with the cables and at least one controller, and Mario Paint either CIB or loose with all the parts. I just really want to play Mario Paint with my kids.

NES (can be loose)







I'm also open to Nintendo eShop credit, GameStop gift cards or Amazon gift cards.
Prefer to buy something? Here's my GameSale post.
Any questions, just ask!
submitted by MiamiSlice to gameswap [link] [comments]

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