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Balance suggestions - in-game economy.

How about raise up the price of weapons in Cheebus, and increase the difficulty in terms of in-game economics and $$$, AS A SELECTABLE OPTION?

Raise up the price of Cheebus weapon in massive amounts, like x6 ~ x8 of the current price. You can still find the Cheebus from a relatively early point of view, but what if Jackhammer costs like $16000, ripper costs $15000, and man cannon / Eliminator costs $14000? Numbers are just examples, prices should be optimized after raised up, but what if Cheebus weapons are so expensive, that meeting Cheebus at an early point is totally useless?
This way, players will be able to purchase only 1 weapon from Cheebus at maximum in general. Even with Antique Appraiser, such price tags are expensive (after Appraiser is nerfed). Players should be able to afford the Cheebus price tag only after they finish Bizzare, Denver, and Aspen quests without major spending. Or players should use at least one Ranger with Prospector quirk and/or with high Luck attribute, or players must make a huge jackpot from Little Vegas gamblings. Or, players will think, it would be just better to purchase from normal vendors when these high tier items are available (around the moment of Yuma quest line)

Plus, in general, I think the value of money in this game is not that significant. However, once properly managed, balancing the difficulty of W3 using in-game economics & colorado $ is a feasible option. Here's what I'm thinking:
- Decrease all $$$ reward from finished quests and from the box in general, but let the high Luck attribute and Prospector quirk increase the amount of $$$ reward from the chest in general.
- I think it may not be needed to change the price level of all weapons, ammo, and armors. But this will depend on the meta of the economic balance of the game. If players are still playing like a rich guy without high Luck and/or Prospector quirk, then I guess there should be more price raise from normal vendors for all items in general.
- Make more side quests and hidden contents to earn some $$$ for players. Like bounty hunter quests, bank heist quest foagainst specific faction (works for reputation as well), assassination foagainst specific faction, more hidden treasure chests / hidden legendary item, and mysterious/coded hints from the world map, and more hostage/PoW rescue from prison, and etc... I wish InXile increase puzzle + treasure hunt element. Something like Forrest Fenn treasure with a mysterious poem that leads to the hidden rare weapon or rare armor or treasure would be interesting.
- Increase the value of armor by armopenetration damage rebalance (which I also wish to discuss later), and put the expensive price tag to any armor with high armor value.
- Make the foods automatically consumed every day (but is W3 has the in-game time?) and give the hunger penalty if rangers are forced to starve. Players must contain some cheap foods (foods without any AP buffs) inside the inventory, ane 1 ranger consumes 1 food per day. Plus, let the survival skill produce a little bit of food from wilderness hunt/combat (world map engagement), and the amount of the food should increase as the survival level increases. Plus, introduce 1~2 survival perk about the food and cooking, making a buff from self-made foods or etc. This way, the value of the survival perk will be increased, and the value of $$$ will be increased as players are forced to purchase enough foods every time. And of course, food prices should be harsh at the opening and should be a little bit better after the Ramen guy arrives at Ranger HQ. (I think it will be better to write in a separate post regarding food suggestion)

These will increase the importance of the well-planned expediture, and the value of the Prospector quirk and Luck attribute. Even after Appraiser nerf, the Prospector quirk is not much used at the current point. Such an environment of economic harshness would increase the value of Luck and Prospector quirk.

I really enjoyed the Stalker franchise, and I really enjoyed the Misery mod. One major aspect of Misery mod is very harsh post-apocalyptic broken economics. Everything is so expensive in Misery mod, you cannot afford the usual AK and ammo like vanilla Stalker CoP. In Misery mod, everything is about 5 times expensive when compared to vanilla CoP, so that if you repair armor and weapon and purchase a bit of ammo and food after the quest during the early phase, nothing lefts in the wallet. I think when we consider the post-apocalyptic world with everything is rare and limited, such an expensive price tag is reasonable.
We DO NOT NEED to follow Misery mod, I never mean that, but I just used Misery mod as an example. Many people feel that even SJ difficult is easy. With some degree of rebalancing of in-game economics, it might be possible to raise the difficulty "in another way".

Plus, I strongly think that it would be better to use "option" when we select the difficulty. Right now, there's only one option about the friendly fire in difficulty selection. But, how about adding one more question about the degree of harshness of in-game economics? Frugal, harsh, and normal. Frugal should be the toughest option in terms of in-game economics, harsh is a little bit forgiving, and normal is current W3. And game changes various modifiers with respect to in-game economic options. This way, different players with different expectations can enjoy this game with different settings.
submitted by sonics_01 to Wasteland [link] [comments]

Two weeks of silence

This is the story of how I found a diary at an abandoned old rental cabin out in the woods of Aspen Colorado. Nobody seemed to have been up there for quite a while as the small road leading up to the cabin was covered in branches and twigs making it hard to enter the property. When I got there I found a diary that someone had left around six months back. It was a disturbing read and the person who wrote it has vanished, there is no trace of him anywhere. Im telling you his story so you know too stay away from this place. Not just the cabin but the woods too.
This is his story.
June 2
I arrived at the cabin today feeling at great unease leaving my old life behind. Rehab was a good start for me getting my life in order but spending a month in solitude with the nearest civilisation miles away feels awful. At least here there is no alcohol, no drugs and no women. Thats right I been severly addicted to all three of those things. Thats why one of my conseulors reached out to a good friend of his asking if I could rent the cabin for a month. It seemed a good idéa at that time since temptation and bad idéas are miles and miles away. But I heard about people going insane in solitude so I guess I better get busy doing stuff or else I might suffer the consequences of going bat shit crazy. The movie The shining comes to mind, lucky me it´s at least not winter.
June 3
I have settled into my cabin and started exploring the woods around this place, man they are beautiful. Creeks and small rivers run here and there and man the wildlife is just amazing. There are birds chirping, fish in the river and I have even seen a couple of deer today. The animals seem friendly and very curious about my being here, some of them almost get too close. I have never been familiar with animals being so unafraid of humans before, it kind of bothers me a bit.
June 4
I found something today. A dead deer to be exact. It was lying on a trail that I have followed a couple of hundred meters from the cabin, it looked as it had been torn to shreds. Almost unrecognizable. I think I better watch out for mountain lions around here. I guess they are supposed to be scared of humans but I also heard that when they are hungry they are more dangerous.Since I´m all alone here I wont be taking any chances. Good thing I brought my gun.
June 5
Woke up tonight by a large thud, coming from down stairs. Went down to investigate and found another dead deer lying just outside the front door on the porch. It was dead and had bled out severely. No sign of any mountain lions or predators of some sort but I am vigilant keeping an eye open even when I sleep. The thought of them lurking this close to the cabin makes me feel uneasy. It´s getting harder to sleep.
June 6
Woke up tonight again by some sort of thud. I grabbed my rifle and went downstairs only to find a deer that was very much alive and well. I opened my front door and it just stood on the porch staring at me like a statute, it´s eyes where pitch black and it gave off no sign of life what so ever. It´s fur seemed torn and patchy. Maybe it´s not a predator after all, maybe the animals are sick. I heard about flesh eating bacterias and it does not sound to appealing. I slowly stepped back in the cabin in fear of catching some unknown horrific disease and proceeded to watch the deer through the kitchen window. It did not move. The rest of the night I slept with my gun.
June 7
Got up early after a poor nights sleep for a quick hike down a stream. I was wary of any deer and brought my rifle just in case I had to take one of them down. I had some hot dogs with me and decided to set up camp and make a fire at a beatiful place just by the stream. Then the deers came, they came in numbers this time. I tried to scare them off with sticks and screaming but nothing worked. I was hesitant to fire my gun, even just as a warning shot would waste my precious ammo. They stood there just watching me again, they really creep me out. What do they want?
June 8
Had trouble sleeping again. It´s like something keeps waking me up. Woke up at 3am and could not for the life of me get back to sleep. My mind feels darker somehow, like a premonition that something very bad is about to happen. The air has started to feel stale and unbreathable, even when I go out it´s like there´s something hanging in the air. And the animals.....they now offically scare the shit out of me. As the clock got close to 4am. I heard a thud at the front door, I did not want to go down and check it out but I felt compelled to do so anyways. And there it was again that gotdamm deer just staring at me with cold black eyes, but it wasn`t alone this time. It looked like a fricking disney movie. Squrriels, owls, deers, chipmunks, elks pretty much every animal the forest has to offer just stood there staring at me. On the porch, at the sides and from a far in the woods I saw their eyes reflect from the porch light. None of the animals mad a sound, they stood there frozen. I shut the door and made sure it was properly locked. I did not sleep a wink until daylight.
June 9
The animals are gone. Went out on the porch at 2PM and nada no animals in sight. I must say I feel a great relief in their absences . I hope they stay away this time, I cant take another night of poor sleep. I had to go out for a shorter walk during the day, cabin fewer is starting to set in. I made sure to stay close to the cabin incase I run into any more creepy or dead animals. I did not get more then 20 meters from the cabin when I realised how quiet the woods where. No birds chirphing, no deers staring at me and no chipmunks in the trees. It´s like they have vanished. Maybe I am really starting to loose it out here. The air is still stale and feels very dry. Thinking about packing my bags and getting out of here.
June 10
I woke up tonight at 3am as usual. There was no thud tonight nor any noises what so ever. What woke me up I still do not know. I was hesitant as always to go down the stairs but I took my rifle and did so anyway. To my great relief there where no animals on the porch neither dead or alive one´s. But the air reaked of something, something foul smelling. Like a rottening corpse had been left underneath the porch. I will check it out during the daylight I am to afraid to do it now.
June 11
Checked underneath the porch but there was nothing there. The air still reeks of death but there are no signs of any animals. Suddenly I feel so alone. Decided I would get out of here so I packed my bags today getting ready to leave but the damm car won´t start. I checked the engine and everything I can think of still cant seem to find the underlying cause of it´s malfunction. It´s getting dark soon,the nights seem to have gotten longer.
June 12
Tried my cellphone today but had no service. I have no way of getting out of here and i´m starting to panic. Eventually fixing the car is my only hope. But I gotta do it fast before it gets dark. I am not going out at night anymore, not even on the porch. Still no signs of the damm deers. I am almost hoping they come back just so I can be sure nothings eating them up out in the woods. I havent seen any mountain lions but still I am wary of some sort of predatory presences lingering in the woods and around my cabin. I need to get out of here.
June 26
Two weeks have passed. Two week of silence. Not a bird, not a deer not a plane, nothing. It feels like I have entered another dimension, some dark and sinister demonic dimension. The car still wont start and the damm phone is making some sort of weird noises. Some sort of static I guess. At one point it almost sounded like another person at the end of the line. The part that freaks me out is that I havent even tried calling anyone. There is a gas station a couple of miles down the road I have considered packing light and walking there. Starting at dawn as it still gets dark rather quickly. I take my chances instead of staying here and loosing my mind.
June 27
It came for me. I was packing my bag in the kitchen getting ready to leave thats when I saw it coming out of the woods and across the yard approaching the porch. I could try to describe it but I bet it would not make much sense, the instant terror it inflicted in me made me freeze. I was unable to move unable to breathe as I saw it slowly moving across the yard. I wanted to scream and to cry but my limbs felt rigid. As it climbed onto the porch I suddenly felt my body move again, I got in the kitchen closet and hid. It searched the house and I knew that it was searching for me, I could feel it almost like we where linked telepathically. I could feel the terror and pain it wanted to inflict upon me. I could smell the reeking death scent on it´s breath, it spread like a virus throughout the cabin. It came into the kitchen, it wasent walking but it wasent crawling either, something in between. I stayed in the closet holding my breath the best that I could and closed my eyes just hoping to wake up from a bad dream. As it had passed around the kitchen it left and went out the door, through the yard and into the woods again. Leaving only it´s horrible smell.
June 28
I have now packed my bag with all the essentials, powerbars, food, flashlight, and a change of clothes. Im leaving most of my stuff behind seeing as it will only slow me down. But im taking the rifle, if that thing comes for me again maybe I can kill it. Or maybe it isnt even real , maybe it´s a figment of my imagination. An unwanted side effect of cabin fever and utter solitude ? I cant see how a thing so hideous can be real, but if it is I will run for my life and hope I can make it to the gas station before nightfall. I take no chances in gambling with imagination. Im leavig this diary behind as a warning to whomever comes here. If you find this and read it get out of here. Dont stay here because it will come for you too.......
June 29
I did not make it pass the dirt road today. The dirt road leads to the highhway and then to the gas station. It was my only salvation. There was trees that had fallen all over the place making it impossible for me to get by. I was tempted to take a detour through the woods but with that thing there I wasn´t in the mood for taking any chances. I felt it´s presences again lingering from deep within the woods. I have seen dead half eaten animals along the dirt road, knowing that it´s hungry i´m not sure if I am going to make it out of here alive.I dont even wanna begin to think about what it will do when it find´s me. This may very well be my last entry. To all the people I love and adore. Please forgive me for my past failings as a father and as a husband. If you read this I hope you understand that I tried my best I always did. I never wanted things to end the way they did. I love you all.
submitted by JohnS1987 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Skiing; California VS Utah VS Colorado VS Vermont

Which do you think is the best US state for skiing out of these four? Personally, I'd rank them like this;
Accessibility = 3rd
Ski Quality = 2nd
Towns = 1st
Restaurants = 1st
Quantity = 1st
Overall = 1st
A little bias for my home state, but CO does offer a huge quantity of ski resorts across the state. Telluride, Aspen, Vail, Breckenridge, Keystone, Steamboat Springs, you name it. I'd say the skiing itself is a tossup against UT, but the whole package and options list is definitely number 1. The best ski resort restaurants are located in CO, (my favorite being Ticiono in Beaver Creek). The towns also are great to explore, and have a nice Alpine feel to them, and are really clean, too. Yes, CO resorts are often crowded, but think about it. Even after UT hosted the damn Olympics, CO is still the ski capital of the United States. Most folks in the east coast still think of CO before UT or even sometimes VT when they think of skiing. No other state offers a huge mix of quantity and quality of its resorts as CO, which is why people still come to the state year after year to ski despite the crowds, which is why it is Number 1. Also, many of these resorts contain their own airport, so you don't have to fly into DEN (just make sure to watch the weather so they don't close though).
Accessibility = 1st
Ski Quality = 1st
Towns = 2nd
Restaurants = 3rd
Quantity = 3rd
Overall = 2nd
When it comes to accessibility and convenience, UT wins hands down. The resorts, unlike the ones in CO, do not have their own airport, but they don't need it, they are all an easy drive from SLC, a bigger airport that has much fewer closures and delays than not only CO resort airports such as ASE and EGE, but even DEN. The skiing itself is as good, if not, better than CO, especially in Alta or Snowbird. Also, the snow is also really dry, and the state does claim itself as having the Greatest Snow on Earth. The reason UT is lower than CO is because it heavily lacks in quantity compared to CO, pretty much all the ski resorts in UT are situated east of SLC, and not spread out across the state. Also, although Park City and Alta are nice towns, they're not as nice as the ski towns in CO, and the restaurants there can't hold a candle to the ones in CO. Many go to SLC for the nightlife, but I want an Alpine, not a Metropolitan, experience when going skiing. Still, UT is the second best state for skiing in the US, and definitely one I would highly recommend.
Accessibility = 2nd
Ski Quality = 3rd
Towns = 3rd
Restaurants = 2nd
Quantity = 2nd
Overall = 3rd
CA comes second in quantity behind CO. Most of CA's resorts lie in the Sierra Nevadas, usually around Lake Tahoe, with the exception of resorts such as Kirkwood or Mammoth. They also do get a lot of great snow, and are pretty big in acreage. South Lake Tahoe also has its own airport, and the northern ski resorts such as Sugar Bowl and Boreal are a close drive from RNO (Reno, NV). If you want a gambling nightlife after skiing, Reno would be the ideal choice. CA is a great skiing place, but it does lack quantity compared to CO, and quality compared to both CO and UT. The ski towns are much smaller, with the exception of South Lake Tahoe, and the snow definitely lacks in comparison to CO and UT. As for the restaurants there, there is better quantity and quality than UT, but not as good as CO. Still, CA is still highly recommended, and is the third best state for skiing.
Accessibility = 4th
Ski Quality = 4th
Towns = 4th
Restaurants = 4th
Quantity = 4th
Overall = 4th
Okay, when it comes to North American skiing east of the Rockies, VT wins hands down. The top 7-10 best resorts in the US east of CO are all located in VT, and more people live in the east coast than the west coast, which is why VT is so highly often brought into the discussion. However, although VT skiing is very good and definitely the best east of the Rockies, it's a huge gap. The snow conditions are much worse than the ones in the Rockies or Sierra Nevadas, and the towns have much less to offer, I definitely don't think VT compares to CO, UT, or CA when it comes to skiing. Sorry to say it. But hey, as I said before, if you want to ski in the east, VT should definitely be your choice.
So what is your vote?
submitted by CaptainOfTheFrontier to skiing [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: I was a corporate jet pilot who flew many celebrities. I have many stories to tell - AMA

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Date: 2012-12-22
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Questions Answers
Whats the best place you visited? And who were you with there? Kalamazoo, Michigan. Sounds lame, but I flew my wife there while we where still dating. It was the most romantic moment of my life.
Upvote for Kzoo! Thanks, 10 minutes after I landed I got my Fed Ex letter telling me I was fired. A matter of a chief pilot feeling threatened that he was a crappy pilot and spread bad words to the boss. Best thing that ever happened to me. Got a way better job 20 minutes later.
How many Angelina Jolie adoptees can you pick up in one trip? The plane seats 8, but I'm sure you could squeeze some in baggage storage.
Did you ever joke around with any passengers? Like "accidentally" leaving the PA on and saying to your co-pilot, "I swear to God Bill I'm going to crash this plane into the side of a mountain if you say one more thing about my wife..." This made me laugh! I never did this, but there are plently of people I have flown that deserved it.
Who's the shadiest person you've had the pleasure of jetting around? Jesse Jackson Sr. Spent 10 days with him, and every place we went there was a limousine with a beautiful woman waiting for him in the back seat.
What kind of women, black or white? All young to middle age black women.
Did you ever have to restrain, or threaten to restrain/control a passenger? What was the most obnoxious thing a celebrity has done on your craft? Never had to restrain anyone. Most obnoxious thing involved Dennis Rodman. He was with Carmen Electra, and some other girl who I didn't know. They where completely wasted, and he wanted to fly to Las Vegas to marry both of them. His manager told us to fly him to Rockford and back (To Chicago), until he passes out.
I thought you said Dennis Rodman was cool?! He is! I have flown him several times. This was just a strange occurrence.
Which celebrity was the coolest and which one was the worst? Dennis Rodman was the coolest by far. He was just a down to earth guy. He was very polite and very courteous. Damen Waynes was the worst. His golf bag was so damn huge you couldn't get it in the plane. He was really full of himself, and acted like he was "all that."
Any close calls/issues with celeb clients on board? Did they know? Was flying Karl Malone, and while we where over Alabama we encountered some heavy storms. He was freaking out from the turbulence. It wasn't exactly a close call, but it's the only thing that comes to mind. He was so happy to get off the plane, he tipped my co pilot and I $500.
Have you ever seen the green flash? Ufos? Have seen multiple shotting stars and even a B-2 bomber fly right over me at 45K feet. Have seen stars and planets that any normal person would say that it was a approaching aircraft, including me.
Could you explain how a star could look like a plane? Variations in reflecting light makes it look like an approaching aircraft. You can't believe it until you see it. You get 2 pilots with 20 year each experience questioning. You just have to see it.
That's awesome you got to see the B-2 though! Wish I had my camera ready, it happened so quockly going from Houston to Chicago.
Have you seen any famous boobies? Jenny McCarthy.
Did the celebs tip you and what was your best tip? Jenny McCarthy tipped 250, Karl Malone tipped 500, but Peter Forsberg from the Colorado Avelanche tipped a 1000 because when we took him from Toronto to New York, the custom agent said he had more than 10k in cash coming into the country, so ha tipped us in order to have less cash. Lucky me!
Forsbergs always been a class act. Thanks for sharing! He was totally cool. His girlfriend was really nice but was the one in charge. Lol.
What are your most interesting "I promise not to tell" moments? Left santa barbara after a previous day of mexican food on our way back to chicago. had a fruit plate for breakfast in flight and thats al she wrote. had to divert to pueblo to go to the bathroom my copilot asked why i was doing 250 knot in the airport traffic pattern and told him i would have to pull a circuit breaker to do 300! could not walk back and crap in front of the ceo of proctor and gamble had to stop lol.
What in the hell did you tell the CEO of proctor and gamble? We had to stop for a fuel stop some time along the way, so we stopped a few hours early to refuel and relive myself.
Which airport did you fly out of in Chicago? Do you still fly for fun? DuPage Airport. I don't get to fly for fun as much as I would like. I do miss it.
Which celebrity freaked out the worst during turbulence? Definitley Karl Malone. Total white knuckle.
What is your favorite destination? Who was the most famous person you took there? Favorite destination is Savanna Georgia. Third biggest saint patricks celebration there. I love it. My favorite person to fly was Walter Payton. I flew him to Mayo Clinic for his cancer treatment once a week. I'm a huge bears fan, and I have a lot of respect for him. He was a very humble man.
Savannah is amazing. Next time you are here with time look up a soul food joint called "Sisters of the New South". The BEST. Will do bro. My wife and I want to retire there. For real!
Hell yea. Jackson, MS resident here. Thank you for flying Walter to treatment! Walter was the MAN. He used to ride with Matt Suey (spelling?) his fullback. Great guy. Walter picked my pocket 4 days before he died. Never lost his sense of humor throughout his medical ordeal. Never jumped the organ donor line to get a liver. Flew many organ donor trips after that and it was always more rewarding than flying a celeb.
Btw. Been to Jackson many time and Xavier too. Love that town. What great people.
That is awesome, I work in transplant and you guys (and the surgeons you carry) have some of the most dangerous jobs in medicine. It is VERY much appreciated that you put yourself on the line to save lives!! The funny thing was they always wanted greasy food when they were on the way back from a harvest. The nurses and coordinators were cool, some of the doctors were not though.
How much did you make? I started at 35K in my early days and ended up at close to a 100K the best part was that I never spent any money on the road. The boss paid for everything!
What is the craziest thing you have witnessed? Warning my young co pilot to not fly too close to a thunder storm and watching him get suckered into flying between two very large cells that were converging. We proceded to get our butts kicked. My fault for letting him go too far. His fault for having the presumption of being invinsible.
Shit man, that sounds pretty tough, thanks for answering. The next one was flying into Aspen in a snow storm. That will make you pucker. Damnnn!
Why did you quit? It's a great job if you're single, but it's very hard with a family. I was away from my wife and kids too often. I now run a small business with my wife.
What sort of business do you have? Was it an easy transition between the two? My wife had started a Mr Handyman Franchise in the Chicago suburbs. It was a bit tough at first but has been fantastic for a long time.
Were there ever conflicts over unsafe flying conditions vs. the client insisting on getting somewhere? How easy is it to maintain command of an aircraft when powerful people are paying a lot of money to be kept happy? Yes Plent of times. You just have to say better to arrive late than not at all. If you don't like it. Please call someone
Who was the nicest celebrity you ever flew with? Walter Payton by far.
Aside from your majestic voice, what other sounds have been played over the PA system? Any music? Nothing really comes to mind, but we would randomly play funny movies for our passengers all the time. Most of the time it was The Waterboy.
Best plane you've flown? Most fun plane you've flown? Lear 23. Straight pipe jet with great handling. Small cockpit but hold on brutha.
Have you ever had an intoxicated passenger attempt to enter the cockpit and fly the plane? No, he was too drunk to get off his seat. on the way to Vegas, showed up drunk and burried a fifth intwo hours.
Sounds like an amazing job, how realistic are the flight simulators? Regular computer simulators aren't very realistic. But flight training centers are extremely realistic. You would think you're in an airplane.
What is the weirdest thing you have seen a celebrity do on a flight? Dennis Rodman tried to marry 2 women in Vegas.
Any pointers for someone interested in becoming a pilot? Take introductory classes to see if you really enjoy it. Have some fun with it. Getting a lot of solo flight hours will help you a lot if you want to fly commercial or corporate planes.
You said you've flown every type of Learjet. Which one is your favorite? Do you enjoy all the new technology in cockpits today? 60 and the 60 and the 60!!! It has the most ballls with a 31 wing.
Absolutely, I remember taking off from DFW and the tower asking for my best climb rate to 6000. I made it to 6000 by the time I turned upwind. Amen. We did a "maint. Flt" with 2000 lbs of gas and got an unrestricted clime to fl290. Took about 20 minutes to get it coordinated with Chicago Center. Made it in 2 min 20 seconds. IVSI burried at 10 K. Thats where it tops out on the guage. January night. What a ride. The contollers computers could not keep up.
Yes, the first few times on the 60 I gave more than one airplane a TCAS alert. :-) No kidding, never heard that but i can believe it.
What is the most surprising moment/story you have? Flyi g into Aspen in a snow storm and could not slow down because the engine computers were not working right and would not slow down...crazy stuff in the mountais when you can't see them.
How much drugs do they do and how insane are celebrities when you spend 5 hours with them in a metal box? Never saw the drugs but always had plenty of drink.
What's the weirdest stories that happened in the cabin? The pilots I flew with were pretty stable. We were usually laghing about our pax.
Ever visit KROG in Arkansas? Did do some part time flying with ConAgra and went to Rogers a few times. walmart baby.
I worked at BLA from '05 - '08. Hope we treated you well! Always, it was my goal to treat the FBO crew better than they could treat us. We always tried to buy lunch for the ground crew because they were awsome.
What was that most astonishing thing you saw by a famous person and who was it?...The more famous the better. My answer to this would be the same as a previous question. Never had to restrain anyone. Most obnoxious thing involved Dennis Rodman. He was with Carmen Electra, and some other girl who I didn't know. They where completely wasted, and he wanted to fly to Las Vegas to marry both of them. His manager told us to fly him to Rockford and back (To Chicago), until he passes out.
Are you canadian? No. Just a bit of humor...
Yep. I spent most of my Lear time in 31's. since I know the drill ill ask you a good question: What's the best out of the country almost got in trouble with ___(locals, foreign Atc, customs, greese the wheel) story that you have? You can be vague if you need to. Good question. Coming back from Nassau with the owner of the airplane. He had 4 boxes of Cohibas and we got picked at FXE to be the plane searched. I took the 4 boxes and gave them to the fueler and he hid them until they searched the plane. He then gave them back! I flipped him a 100 and off we went.
How can I get over my fear of flying? Lol I'm moving to Hawaii next month and I'm horrified of flying. Just wonder if you have any advice! Thanks. Hard to say. We had a passenger who was very fearful so we sat him up next to him and explained the airplane and some of its back up systems. He got to see all that we do first hand and by the time we took him home a week later, he was fine. Good luck and remeber, the pilots have family to go home to also and will make sure that you are safe.
Which celebrities did you meet? Which one was the biggest douchebag? Do you know any of them on a personal level still? Over all, most were pretty civil. Jesse Jackson was the worst.
I used to work for a consulting company that audited charter companies and jet pilots years ago (wyvern, hahaha). I entered pilot data and aircraft data, i wonder if i ever entered your data and flight hours sometime. What company did you work for? I will test your memory then. The night before our Wyvern audit, I had a bird strick on the nuber 2 engine on a lr-35.
Haha, wow thats some bad luck right there. Did this happen after 2005? Its been a long time but if i had to guess maybe air royale*? Im having a derp moment.. 2001 at DPA.
What sort of income would you need (generally) to be able to fly via a jet 3/4 times a year? Not sure, light jets typically run 2000 to 2500 per hour and up from there.
I know i'am late to the party but,when did you quit flying? 5 boys and missing to much of their life flying with no schedule.
Damn. Fellow pilot here who flew a celebrity for 3 years. It was a fun job with lots of interesting stories to share. I enjoyed yours. You know what i am talkin aboot. Lol.
How do you go about becoming a corporate just pilot. Get you private pilot license, and keep getting additional ratings, i.e., instrument, commercial, multi engine, and network with guys that run charter companies
Come to Oxford, it's a little friendlier than Jackson. And 1/8 the size. I had an old friend of my parents that lived there on a farm. Howard Bishop. He was a. Captain for United but passed away a few years back. Had lunch in town there after visiting his farm. What a great guy and a beautiful town.
Take introductory classes to see if you really enjoy it. Have some fun with it. Getting a lot of solo flight hours will help you a lot if you want to fly commercial or corporate planes. Or get in with a female chief pilot???
2001 at DPA. There were two of them and we had Garrett Springfield there by 0700 Am then next morning. It turned into a day off war stories and a shoter audit. I guess they were impressed tha in less than 8 hours after a major bird strike, we were getting it changed out.
Former Air Force ATC here. If you flew over SPS (Wichita falls TX) hope we treated you well! Never had a bad ATC experience there. Most ATC guys were very accomodating. Thanks for your help in the past. Al.
Sorry, I was a math major, not an English major nor do I type well or have spell check on. Don't ever worry about a pilot with grey hair...
Last updated: 2012-12-26 07:45 UTC | Next update: 2012-12-26 13:45 UTC
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is there gambling in aspen colorado video

Beautiful fall colors in Colorado Colorado Winter Bliss in 360 - YouTube Colorado Repo Gone Wild, - YouTube Birds clips in the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson - YouTube HOW TO FIND GOLD EVERY TIME IN ANY CREEK!!!!! - YouTube Weathermen Who Lost It On Live TV - YouTube Meet The Mole People Living Beneath the Las Vegas Strip - YouTube Did Paul McCartney really die in 1966? The history of the ...

Nowadays, there are plenty of gambling options in Colorado, as the Centennial State is home to 36 casinos. These 36 casinos are located in three different areas of the state: Black Hawk/Central City (by Denver), Cripple Creek (by Colorado Springs), and Southwest Colorado (by Cortez and Durango). Casino in Aspen on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Casinos in Aspen, CO. Colorado Casinos are mainly found in the mountain towns of Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek. There are also two Native American Casinos located in Towaoc and Ignacio. Colorado casinos were originally introduced in 1991, these casinos were only allowed a very limited number of table and electronic games. Colorado Gambling Venues. There are nearly 40 commercial casinos in Colorado as of May 2020, located within the limits of the three casino-friendly cities. Also, there are two Indian casinos run by the Ute tribe, which are located in the southwestern part of the state. Apart from casinos, Colorado also allows sportsbooks and racebooks to operate. Colorado’s three mountain gambling towns are easy to get to and even fun for the whole family. Central City and Black Hawk are located within a mile of each other, just 34 miles west of Denver. Cripple Creek is 48 miles west of Colorado Springs. Several casinos offer economical round-trip transportation to and from Denver and Colorado Springs; many transportation deals include free drinks ... Info about Casinos in Aspen, Colorado, CO. There are 98 Casinos in or near Aspen, Colorado CO. AMERISTAR CASINO RESORT & SPA. ... BIG JIM'S GAMBLING HALL & SLN is located approximately 87 miles from Aspen. They're one of the best in the area. Call them at (719) 689-2478. “If the Aspen Skiing Co., KSL and East West are betting on Snowmass long term and putting their money in upgrading the infrastructure, I think we are making a good decision following suit.” Colorado Gambling Laws and Regulatory Organizations There are a few ways you can gamble legally in CO, including going to casinos and participating in the state lottery. The following is a list of all legal forms of gambling available in Colorado: Social wagering Playing in CO casinos Lottery Bingo and raffles This means there are no Colorado online casinos to speak of, though limited land-based casino gambling is permitted including blackjack and roulette. Colorado casinos are spread over three main towns; Cripple Creek, Black Hawk and Central City which were chosen to host casinos in an attempt to boost local economies. [Woohoo! Winning roulette at Century Casino Central City.] Colorado isn’t necessarily known for its casino culture. But with a few local American Indian reservations and a few towns that permit gambling, there are actually several terrific casinos to visit while you’re in state. These, for those interested, are a few of the biggest and best.

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Beautiful fall colors in Colorado

TV weathermen and women are trained to handle all kinds of inclement situations. But what about a spider on a weather cam? Or a wisecracking co-anchor? Get y... Discover winter in Colorado in Virtual Reality - 360 video! Colorado has so many incredibly fun things to do in the winter! It's hard to pick out my favorite. Here's a quick peek at the Ouray Ice ... Try Dashlane Premium free for 30 days here: Use coupon code ‘VINYLREWIND’ to get 10% off Dashlane Premium. On today’s ep... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Taken from the Tonight Show's with Johnny Carson 23rd anniversary special. Donate to the Shine A Light foundation: went underground to learn about the community of homeless people who live i... I am in new prospecting territory on private property and this creek looks crazy!!! i got gold in every single pan today, there is so much surface area to co... Lady goes wild after i was given Keys and they were cleaning it out, This is #2 of 4 cars that are up forRrepo all at the same house. The last 2 are in the G... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Beautiful fall colors in Colorado Melody McAuliffe. Loading ... Mountains from Denver to Aspen, Colorado - Duration: 9:10. Eliseba 19,302 views. ... GAMBLING AT SEA - Duration: ...

is there gambling in aspen colorado

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