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Covid-19 update Tuesday March 17th

Good morning from the UK. Happy St Patricks day. It'll be a woeful one for many Irish people around the world with pubs and bars shut in multiple US states, several European countries, several Asian countries and worst of all, Ireland itself. Here in the UK you can still go to the pub, although as of late yesterday afternoon the UK government advised against it says the BBC.

Virus statistics
Several comments from redditors in past days complained the WHO stats I C&P'd did not come very close to reflecting stats being quoted by national media wherever they lived. As a result, I'm abandoning the WHO stats and going back to the John Hopkins University tracker stats for all countries. If it's good enough for the likes of Forbes, Business Insider, FT, USA Today to regularly cite it then it's good enough for me:-

Region Today (John Hopkins Stats at time of writing) Yesterday (John Hopkins stats not the WHO's) % daily change
Global 182,424 169,387 +7.7%
China 81,053 81,020 +0.4%
Italy 27,980 24,747 +13.1%
Iran 14,991 13,938 +7.6%
Spain 9,942 7,844 +26.7%
South Korea 8,320 8,162 +1.9%
Germany 7,272 5,813 +25.1%
France 6,655 5,437 +22.4%
USA 4,661 3,774 +23.5%
Switzerland 2,330 2,200 +5.9%
UK 1,553 1,395 +11.3%
Netherlands 1,414 1,136 +24.5%
Norway 1,347 1,256 +7.2%
Sweden 1,121 1,032 +8.6%
Belgium 1,058 886 +19.4%
Austria 1,018 860 18.4%

All other countries with under 1000 identified infections not listed (sorry Denmark), yesterday's threshold was 750. Total countries infected worldwide = 155, an increase from yesterday of 9. Source for all countries (as discussed above): the John Hopkins University dashboard (Link). (Personal note: Western countries infection counts are increasing each day much faster than Asian countries but that may be due to cultural differences or it may be that they're doing my testing, if anyone can shed light on this please do).
Reminder, these are identified case counts and medical experts are reporting this virus has a long incubation period with people being infections despite displaying no symptoms; the true infection figures are likely to be much higher. Note that some countries are reporting shortages of test kits which further skews the data available; assume true cases are much higher.
Finally, no, I don't believe China's official statistics either.

Selected Virus news

Warnings of shortages of regeants (ingredients) to make test kits in the US - the Fool (a high quality finance website despite the name) reports that FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn stated last week in testimony before a U.S. House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee that there could be supply chain issues with reagents needed for novel coronavirus diagnostic kits. He noted that the supply issues specifically apply to RNA used in testing for coronavirus disease COVID-19.

Shortages in US supermarkets likely to continue until panic buying eases - The LA Times says that shortages will continue until people calm down in their shopping habits. The major chains usually get shipments overnight, or perhaps twice a day, to restock essentials such as paper towels, toilet paper and water, but “manufacturers in some cases are having trouble keeping up, and that’s where the void is, they’re not able to keep up with demand,” said Bob Reeves, vice president for the West at the Shelby Report, a research firm that tracks the grocery industry. “We’re seeing shipments coming into the stores sometimes without any of those products, and it will be like that until people calm down a little bit,” he said. In some cases, chains are sending their delivery trucks directly to manufacturers — bypassing warehouses and distributors — to get the items to the stores faster. (Personal note: the same applies for all supermarket supply chains globally)

Pa. hospitals are rationing protective gear as the number of coronavirus cases grows - (Personal note, this is an example, there seems to be a general global shortage of medical PPE (personal protective equipment) - The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that hospitals across Pennsylvania are drastically limiting the use of key protective gear out of fears that a dramatic increase in coronavirus cases could diminish reserves and cause a dangerous shortage. The rationing comes as the state Department of Health maintains that it has personal protective equipment available and is working with health systems to make sure they have what they need. The gear includes eye protection, gowns, and N95 respirators, which are essential in preventing a health care worker from breathing in infectious particles when in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. In Philadelphia, two doctors who work at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania said it’s barring the use of N95 respirators “except in extraordinarily limited situations.” Penn Medicine declined to comment. Another city doctor, Daphne Owen, said in a tweet Thursday her clinic “for uninsured and undocumented patients” was out of masks. Two days later, the clinic, Puentes de Salud, said it was closed due to the pandemic.

Other Virus news in brief
- The Scottish courts and tribunals announced today that no new criminal jury trials would be commenced or new juries empanelled until further notice.
- Iran has temporarily freed a total of 85,000 prisoners, including political prisoners, a spokesman for its judiciary said on Tuesday, adding that the prisons were responding to the threat of a coronavirus epidemic in jails.
- Britain had “no time to lose” in changing tactics in order to prevent thousands of deaths and the NHS being overwhelmed, scientists providing guidance to the UK government have said. The Imperial College Covid-19 response team – which is one of several scientific teams advising UK ministers – published a paper (I've put it in the addendum below) showing that 250,000 people could die if efforts were focused only on delaying and slowing down the spread of Covid-19.Separately, England’s deputy chief medical officer, Prof Jonathan Van-Tam, could not rule out the strict measures having to last for a year but predicted they would last at least “several months“.
- Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs has advised Australians to return home as soon as possible by commercial means because overseas travel is becoming “more complex and difficult” as countries impose travel restrictions and close their borders.
- Leaders of EU states were expected on Tuesday to suspend all travel into the passport-free Schengen zone by non-EU nationals for at least 30 days in a bid to instil uniformity across the bloc after some member states, including Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland, unilaterally began imposing border checks.
- China has issued an angry reaction (by diplomatic standards) to the US president Donald Trump’s characterisation of the disease as “the Chinese virus.” (he tweeted late last night "The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!"). China’s foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said the US president should take care of his own matters first and not seek to “stigmatise” China.
- The postponement of soccer’s Euro 2020 Championship may already have been decided after Uefa last week cancelled its hotel bookings in Copenhagen.
- The UK just advised its citizens against all non essential travel worldwide in the past 10 minutes
- Mobile phone networks are struggling in some areas of the UK with significantly increased demands according to down detector. For sure a lot of people seem to be home working, my commute in this morning was like it was the middle of August and everyone else was on holiday.
- Alitalia, the Italian airline flag carrier is to be renationalised by Italy
- Cinema chains are closing in multiple countries due to shutdowns
- Kazakhstan is closing down its two largest cities (despite only having 32 cases so far)
- A preliminary calculation by a US expert suggests that tens of thousands of premature deaths from air pollution may have been avoided by the cleaner air in China, far higher than the 3,208 coronavirus deaths.
- Jordan: the army has said it will deploy at entrances and exits of main cities in the kingdom in a move officials said was ahead of an imminent announcement of a state of emergency to combat the spread of coronavirus.
- In a joint statement, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit and YouTube said they would help ensure people could stay connected to each other during isolation as well as fight any misinformation and fraud linked to the outbreak. “We are working closely together on Covid-19 response efforts,” the statement said. “We’re helping millions of people stay connected while also jointly combating fraud and misinformation about the virus, elevating authoritative content on our platforms, and sharing critical updates in co-ordination with government healthcare agencies around the world.
- Almost all Germans shops are about to close by government decree; supermarkets, pharmacies will remain open (including on Sundays when they are usually closed). Separately, government press briefings there have gone online only.
- Olympic organisers in Japan are asking people not to create crowds along the route of the Olympic torch relay and not to gather near the route if they feel sick. A Boeing aircraft flew to Greece on 15 March to bring the torch to Japan.
- France: No movement allowed except for essential work or health reasons. “There can be no more outside meetings, no more seeing family or friends on the street or in the park. We must slow the spread of this virus by limiting the number of people we are in contact with each day to the strict minimum. If we do not, we endanger the lives of those we hold dear.” said the French President Macron.
- Israel’s government has approved emergency measures to track people suspected or confirmed to have been infected with the coronavirus by monitoring their mobile phones, immediately raising privacy concerns in the country. The cabinet unanimously approved the use of the technology, developed initially for counter-terrorism purposes, in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel said providing the country’s internal security agency, the Shin Bet, with new secretive powers was a “dangerous precedent and a slippery slope that must be approached and resolved after much debate and not after a brief discussion”.
- Indonesian president Joko Widodo said on Saturday that he had withheld some information about cases to prevent the country from panicking, the Jakarta Post reported. He has rejected calls for a lockdown to be imposed on hard hit areas.
- Malaysia has announced it's closing its borders prompting neighbouring Singapore's citizens to panic buy (90% of their food is imported from Malaysia).
- New Zealand on Tuesday deported its first unruly traveller flouting the country’s mandatory 14-day self-isolation rule for almost all arrivals, the health ministry said. The tourist, who had checked into a backpackers hostel in the city of Christchurch, was removed from the accommodation by the police after officials learned she did not have clear self-isolation plans.


Goldman Sachs doesn't think the stock market drops have finished - BusinessInsider says that Goldman Sachs thinks that the S&P 500 might plunge as low as 2,000 before recovering through the rest of the year, the investment bank wrote Friday. The level is the benchmark index's lowest since early 2016 and implies a 20% decline from Monday's open. Such a tumble would also place the index more than 40% below its February 19 peak. The coronavirus outbreak is responsible for "unprecedented financial and societal disruption," the analysts said, and equities have so far served as accurate leading indicators before the release of relevant earnings or macroeconomic data. That said, the analysts pointed out that "The lesson of prior event-driven bear markets is that financial devastation ultimately allows a new bull market to be born,".

U.S. factories are likely to close because of the coronavirus’ supply-chain shock - Marketwatch reports (link) that there is a very real chance that companies from auto makers to electronics manufacturers will soon begin to cease or limit production. With a downed China as the headstream of global manufacturing, mercantile America simply can’t function as it’s accustomed to. We’re starting to see this happen in official reports: The New York Fed’s Empire State business conditions index, released Monday, plunged by a record 34.4 points to minus 21.5 in March. And Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Sunday he expects a contraction in GDP in the second quarter. (Personal note: I expect similar problems across all G20 countries). The article goes on to explain that many supply chain directors may understand their first tier suppliers but often do not have full visibility of the status of their 2nd or 3rd tier suppliers

Supply impact of the coronavirus outbreak is waning, but demand shock will linger, economist says - CNBC says that in January and February, industrial output fell by 13.5% from the same period a year earlier, the weakest reading since January 1990 — when Reuters' record began. China's industrial production is likely to improve in March over a slump in January and February due to the coronavirus outbreak, but consumer demand will take longer to recover both in the country and globally, an economist said Monday. "We will see some recovery, but this recovery, I think, is being undermined by the global spread as well," said Bo Zhuang, chief China economist at TS Lombard. Meanwhile, retail sales in January and February shrank 20.5% from a year ago, compared with a 8% growth in December as fearful consumers avoided crowded places like malls, restaurants and cinemas. "We were worried about supply-side issues, but now it's becoming a demand shock issue," said Zhuang. Smaller outfits like restaurants and service-oriented businesses have "resumed work but there are no customers," said Zhuang. "I think we are going to see a delayed V-shape (recovery), and this V may be a tilted V or W, or even U. We are not sure," he added.

Coronavirus Impacts Every Sector of the Supply Chain - Supply and demand chain executive reports that the global supply chain continues to experience disruption. "We have seen that in the way that it’s spreading across into different hubs where we see alternative routes to be overly burdened, such as the rail system,” says Koray Köse of Gartner. “Now with the crisis and the hubs being closed and product movements are still active to some extent, but not necessarily from those regions, will become crowded and impacted. This means that there’s an additional strain on the overall network to move material.” Some products have experienced significant upticks including Chicken noodle soup (+37%), Hand sanitizer (+65%), Disinfecting Wipes: (+353%) and Cold & Flu medications (+197%) amongst others.

Coronavirus pandemic worse than 1997 financial crisis, Malaysian ex-PM Mahathir warns - The Strait times reports on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the former premier who steered Malaysia's recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis, expects the current coronavirus pandemic to hit the global economy even harder. "This is worse than the financial crisis," he said in a Bloomberg Television interview. "This is really a terrible blow to the economies of the whole world." Dr Mahathir joins other world leaders in warning that the virus impact may be worse than past periods of upheaval (Personal note: I pointed out yesterday the NZ PM also saying this).

Supply chain news relating to Covid-19

For Global Supply Chains the Worst Is Yet to Come - Supply Chain Management review says (Link) that most industrial companies have 30-60 days of parts and raw materials either on hand, in-transit, or obtainable on short notice. After these supplies run out, we will start to see shortages of finished products as well as parts needed to produce other goods. Shortages will start to become more evident toward the end of March and beginning of April. Production in some non-Chinese factories will have to be put on hold for lack of parts. Partially finished products will remain in suspension until all parts are available to build finished products. Some companies are pressing their engineers to redesign parts that can be sourced in the U.S., or at least outside of China. Other companies are giving 3D printing a serious try for the first time. The article goes on to point out delays in sea freight ex-Asia and extremely high airfreighting costs are exacerbating the situation.

U.S. Suspends Truck-Driving Limits to Speed Coronavirus Shipments - The Wall Street Journal reports as of 2 days ago that maximum working hours for truck drivers in the US have been suspended. This applies to truck drivers moving emergency supplies such as medical equipment, hand sanitizer and food in response to the nationwide coronavirus outbreak. It comes as hospitals report shortages of medical masks and as retailers and manufacturers are straining under surging demand for everything from hand sanitizer to staples such as toilet paper and rice. As anxious consumers stockpile goods, grocers have turned to rationing, imposing purchase limits on disinfectant wipes, cleaning supplies and other high-demand products. The move is the first time the FMCSA has issued nationwide-wide relief from hours-of-service regulations, although regional declarations have waived those rules in response to disasters such as hurricanes. Federal regulations limit most commercial truck drivers to 11 hours of driving time in a 14-hour workday, restrictions intended to reduce accidents caused by highway fatigue.

For supply chain companies, U.S.-Mexico border closures could be catastrophic - Marketplace points out that Mexico’s deputy health minister says he’s worried about people coming into Mexico from the United States; currently the U.S. has far more cases of COVID-19 than Mexico. The Mexican government even said it might consider restricting access at its northern borders. For businesses that operate on both sides of the border, any shutdown could be catastrophic. The article gives a case study of a manfacturer employing 150 people in Texas. The company president says before anyone considers closing the border, President Donald Trump and Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, should discuss a coordinated response to the virus. As for now, he says all of his people can work from home, if the situation calls for it. Everyone here has a laptop, he said. But he says the independent truck drivers and contractors who work on the loading docks, they have to be on site to run things. Those people also only get paid if they show up for work. So, for now, they’re glad the COVID-19 hasn’t shut this part of Texas down, yet.

It won't be long before Coronavirus shuts down local African supply chains - The major Kenyan newspaper daily nation reports that there are imminent difficulties facing Kenyan pharma firms due to the industry importing 70% of its ingredients from India and China, both of whom have restricted exports. Studies show that the Kenyan pharmaceuticals market is worth Sh100 billion ($965m USD), 80 per cent of which is prescription drugs. Although Kenya exports 50 per cent to the COMESA region and 75 per cent to East African Community, most of these exports are re-exports from India and China.

European automotive factories shutting down - Ferrari and Lamborghini have both suspended almost all production (says the Express and Star) whilst Yahoo Finance reports that Fiat Chrysler said in a statement on Monday 16 March that it would halt operations at most of its European plants, from now until 27 March because of an “interruption in market demand.” The Italian-American automotive group said the manufacturing stop includes six factories in Italy, the EU country worst hit by coronavirus. Italy has had over 24,700 infection cases so far, and more than 1,800 people have died from the virus. The PSA group, which includes Peugeot, Citroen, and Opel, said today it will close all its European plants, including in the UK, France and Germany for the remainder of the month too. German car giant Volkswagen is also suspending production at a number of manufacturing bases in Europe, including in Slovakia and Spain. VW-owned Seat has shuttered its main factory near Barcelona for at least the rest of the month. Meanwhile, according to the Financial Times, Volkswagen may also be forced to curtail production at the main factory in its home town of Wolfsburg, because of running low on parts.
Useful parcel courier current operational status links for anyone else in eCommerce:Canada Post, DHL Express, DPD, Fedex, Parcelforce, USPS. If anyone has any other major courier links for service status, please let us all know :)

Good news section
Amazon to hire 100,000 more workers and give raises to current staff to deal with coronavirus demands - CNBC says that Amazon is hiring an additional 100,000 employees in the U.S. to meet the surge in demand from online shopping amid the coronavirus outbreak, the company said Monday. The company is looking to add extra full-time and part-time positions for warehouse and delivery workers. Through the end of April, it will raise pay for these employees by $2 per hour in the U.S., £2 per hour in the UK, and approximately €2 per hour in many EU countries. Amazon currently pays $15 per hour or more in some areas of the U.S. for warehouse and delivery jobs. Amazon encouraged employees in other industries whose jobs were "lost or furloughed" as a result of the coronavirus to apply, including members of the hospitality, restaurant and travel industries. "We want those people to know we welcome them on our teams until things return to normal and their past employer is able to bring them back," the company added.

Educating in denial older relatives anecdote
Personal story time; my 69 year old Aunt is very grumpy because despite me telling her for well over a month, it is finally dawning on her that her dream guided coach bus tour of the West USA national parks in 10 weeks time is rapidly going up in smoke whilst my 75 year old Dad has realised his third cruise of the year (this time around the med) in 5 weeks time is also about to be toast. My Aunt complained on Facebook yesterday that nobody is mentioning the 46,000 people who have recovered from the illness and that "it's just a bit of flu". It isn't, otherwise governments around the world would not be reacting as they are.
If you have an elderly relative like mine who relies far too much on social media anecdotes rather than good quality fact based mainstream media, maybe point them at this businessinsider article here where it points out that 1) flu mortality rates are 0.1% vs. Covid-19 is 3.4% and 2) for 70-79 the mortality rate is 8% and for over 80's it's 14.8%. Hopefully they might just realise the seriousness of the situation; my Aunt dismissed it as "a website I've never heard of and won't believe" despite the article clearly citing CDC figures.

Several asked if they can send me $/£/€ via Patreon (in some cases because I've saved them time or money, others for no reason at all). I don't need the cash (that's lovely though) but food bank charities are getting really hit hard with all this panic buying. Please consider giving whatever you'd have given me to a foodbank charity instead:
Thanks in advance for any donations you give. If there's foodbank charities in your country and it's not listed above, please suggest it and I will include it going forward.

EDIT: Missed out virus news in brief, added as of 12:45. EDIT 2: Added in the Dutch foodbank link (hat tip siliconfrontier)
submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]

[EVENT] The Paris Parade

Le Monde

http://www.lemonde.f September 2nd, 2030 Écrits par Chroniqueur Défense Joceline Caron 

The Paris Parade to Commemorate the End of the Second World War 85 Years Ago

The much anticipated Parade that has kept Parisians talking for the last 4 Months finally went underway this morning on September 2nd, 2030, with over a dozen Nations taking part in the Parade that ran along L’Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Soldiers, Vehicles, Aircrafts, and Foreign Dignitaries alike were present for the event, along with Thousands of Parisians and other Spectators that had come from all over the World to witness one of the largest Military Parades in History lined the famous Avenue, and watched as the Contingents snaked their way along the Road. The Parade had assembled at L'Arc de Triomphe, where they received the Review and Salute of Général Mathias Coté, Chef d'État-Major des Armées Françaises. The Parade then undertook its spectacular march to La Place de la Concorde, where all the Foreign Dignitaries were seated alongside Président Daphné Beaulieu de la République Française. Here she personally reviewed the Parade, and after giving her expected speech, the events of the Parade concluded. It may have concluded several hours ago, but Paris is still abuzz, with some of the Soldiers and Officers of the Foreign Militaries taking time to enjoy the sites of the City, and the President having retreated to a private meeting with a handful of VIP's. Missed the Parade? Have no Fear, for Le Monde is here to list off all the important people that were in Paris, and to break down the Parade for you into every Contingent, even down to the Music they marched to as they walked through L'Arc de Triomphe!
Of all the Dignitaries Present, these were the big names:
While the list of Presidents and Prime Ministers was certainly impressive, the main attraction was the parade itself, with Soldiers of at least 12 Nations marching down L’Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Here is the breakdown of how each Nation, in no particular order, chose to represent itself:


The French Contingent, representing the Host Nation, is only slightly scaled down from a typical Bastille Day Parade Contingent. Yet, combined with the Foreign Troops, it represents the single largest Parade ever assembled in Paris, and one of the largest Parades ever. The French Column is thorough in its inclusion of every Service Branch of Les Forces Armées Françaises, and some of the most modern Equipment of the Forces is on display. Taking the lead of the Parade, the French Column marching to the beat of the Lorraine March as it took its first steps, and finishing with La Victoire est à Nous at La Place de la Concorde. It was one of the most impressive sights ever beheld by the Citizens of Paris. Tremendous effort was put into every last detail, from the largest Aircraft to the Belt Buckles of each individual Soldier. The French Soldiers had practically drilled themselves raw for the 4 Months Prior, and all together it came to form a spectacle that filled many French Men and Women with enormous Pride. Many of the French Soldiers that participated have gone on record saying that the most valuable experience of the Parade was the opportunity to march alongside thousands of their Allies and make new friends amongst them.


The Indian Soldiers marched to the tune of the Indian Army Regular March, making this their second appearance in Paris. Given the current Political Turmoil being experienced in South Asia, many Media Outlets predicted that India would not be contributing to the Parade, but the arrival of the Grenadiers was a welcoming sight to many of the Spectators.


The Midlands made a smaller contribution to the Parade than expected, but it was exciting none the less as it proved to be one of the first International glimpses of one of the American Successor States Armies, which had been somewhat absent from the World Stage.

The United Kingdom

The Soldiers representing the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland were glowing with resplendent glory, clicking their heels to the famous tune of The British Grenadiers as the passed through the aforementioned Arc de Triomphe. The British had made the unique contribution of several Historical Aircraft and Vehicles to the ceremonies, and the well renown Redcoats and Bearskin Hats of the Guards, as well as the Kilts and Bagpipes of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, were a marvelous sight.


The sizable Contingent of Troops from Kazembe was a pleasant surprise to the Parade's onlookers, and truly helped underpin the International theme of the days events, brining the flair of the Marching Bands with them.


Due to turmoil at home, the Egyptians were only able to contribute a squadron of MiG's for the Aerial performances, but their contribution was well received by the French Government. The only thing that surprises me, and surely some of the spectators, was the decision to send MiG-21's instead of more modern Aircraft such as the Rafale.

The Philippines

The arrival of 1,000 Filipino Soldiers in Paris surely marks the first time that Military Personnel of either Nation have visited one another, and the occasion was also one of the first times Soldiers of the Philippine Army participated in a European Event. The Filipino Soldiers certainly proved to be one of the more curious and dazzling sights of the day, with most Parisians being impressed by their precision and discipline.

The United Arab Emirates

The Union Defence Force of the UAE was another member on the list of newcomers to France, and many felt their presence was a sign of the strengthened Relationship between the two nations that had grown steadily since the beginning of the Century.


Marching in step to the Jaeger March, the Soldiers of Finland put on their best show with an air of pride and professionalism that impressed many of the Ex-Military and Defence Columnists in the crowd, not to mention the average Citizens. Finland is one of NATO's newest Members, and the arrival of the FDF Personnel in Paris clearly underlines that fact. Many Commentators felt that Finland exceeded expectations with its contribution, and certainly hope to see more Finns in future Parades.

New England

The New English Contribution was decidedly small considering the scope of this Parade, essentially amounting to a Colour Party, and many a Journalist couldn't help but wonder what this said about the current state of New England, or perhaps their attitude to the Parade in General. Due the nature of their contribution, it was decided that the New English Honour Guard would march at near the front of the Parade as an Flag Party, alongside the French Republican Guard.


The presence of the Russian Armed Forces at the Parade was uncertain for some time, considering how badly Russia-NATO relations had deteriorated over the last few years, but with Russia under new leadership and the Soldiers having marched through Paris, it think its safe to say that Relations are being restored as we speak. The Russians spared no expense in putting their prowess and penchant for Parades on displaying, rolling out some of the finest Soldiers and Aircraft they had to offer to the backdrop of their famous Marches. The Tu-95 Bombers were notable for causing the Paris Police Prefecture to receive the most noise complaints that had ever been filed in the history of the City.

The East African Federation

Yet another addition to the list of Parisian Newcomers, the small contingent from the East African Federation took to the stage this morning as it marched down to La Place de la Concorde amongst its many friends and Allies in the Order of March. Many of the EAF Soldiers took the opportunity after the Parade to enjoy their time in Paris and get to know the Country of France a bit better. The EAF President had previously been entertaining the idea of establishing closer relations with Nations like France, and this Parade was a great experience for just that occasion.

The Federation of Dixon States

The Dixon States put provided one of the larger American contributions to the Anniversary Parade, and rightly so as they have been one of the more Internationally active Successor States. However, the event was marred for them by the notable absence of their President, Tim Kaine. Kaine had recently been shot and critically wounded by an assailant in Charleston, and thus his Seat at La Place de la Concorde was noticeably empty. Regardless, the Dixon Soldiers carried on with professional expertise and did not waver. Président Daphné Beaulieu made it well known to the Dixon Generals and Admirals present that all the Citizens of France were praying for him while he is Hospital.


Sierra, another one of the American Successor States, made sure to have her presence known and provided a respectable Contingent to march with her Allies. Her presence, amongst the other American Successors, seemed to show to many that the unity of NATO was still intact after the dramatic collapse of the United States, but among other things, seemed to remind people of how lacking Diplomacy had been. France has only had a handful of meaningful interactions with any of the Successor States in the last few Years, but the Parade gave the chance for Columbians, Sierrans, Midlanders and others alike to meet and interact with some of their more distant European friends, and hopefully that will lead to greater things in the future. The Sierrans displayed a strong showing on the Parade ground, and did not fail to impress with their skills in the art of Military Drill.

South Africa

The largest of the three Representatives of Africa, made sure to not to disappoint and made a sizeable contribution in the name of her Nation and her Continent.The Soldiers of South Africa are reported to be very much enjoying their time in Paris, and the opportunity for Troops from South Africa, Kazembe, and the East African Federation to march together was a great experience.


Columbia was yet another Participant from the old United States, and her Contingent size fell roughly in line with that of her Sister Nations.The same level of professionalism and precision that was seen amongst all the other American Contingents was also seen amongst the Columbians, as was expected, and their situation was much the same as the others. Président Daphné Beaulieu was glad to see that every single Successor State was present on this day, and was sure to take the opportunity to talk to Thomas E. Hart about rekindling ties between France and Columbia.
All in all, the total Personnel and Equipment that were rallied for this Parade add up to some impressive numbers:
  • 14,086 Personnel
  • 755 Vehicles
  • 269 Aircraft
And as a last minute treat to those who missed the Events today, we have a small excerpt from Président Daphné Beaulieu's Speech, which will be Broadcast again on France 2 tonight:
Thousands of us have gathered here today with the vigor of renewed faith in our International Friendships, and in the spirit of maintaining these 85 Years of Peace by healing old wounds, reconciling with old Foes. and establishing new Partnerships, It is the name of Peace and Friendship that inspired this event, and when we look at the World around us, we must realize that Peace and Friendship are the tools with which we must continue to guarantee a safer future for the Generations yet to come. While the World has certainly not been free of Conflict and Suffering before the date of this Anniversary, we can feel accomplished in knowing that for nearly a Century now, no Fathers, Mothers, Sons, or Daughters, have had to endure events on such a tragic scale as were endured during the Second World War. Yet even with this accomplishment in mind, there are still times where we have come too close. In those times, some well within our living memory, it was only the prevailing Cooler Heads and a mutual fear of a terrible War that kept us from teetering over the edge. However, we cannot continue to bet on the fact that this will be the case every time. We need to work for a World where such conflicts are handled through Diplomacy and Negotiation that maintains the value of Human Life as the highest priority. That is why this Parade is in honour of these ideas and principles, and of the promotion of cooperation and mutual respect between Nations. My hope is that this will be the precedent for a Tradition that will continue well beyond our time. It is with my heart that I hope their will be celebrations for the 100th Anniversary of Global Peace, for the 150th Anniversary of Global Peace, for the 200th Anniversary of Global Peace, and so on.
[M] I went into as much detail with each Country as possible, so if yours didn't get pictures or music, it's because it was either impossible to find or your Country is fictional.
submitted by GrizzleTheBear to GlobalPowers [link] [comments]

Weekly Roundup

News roundup for the previous week.
In International news
  1. #Duterte tells Chinese firm: We really need China’s help in infrastructure
  2. India withdraws troops from Doklam region, confirms China
  3. China ‘pleased’ with Indian military’s withdrawal from disputed border
  4. Chinese naval hospital ship provides free medical services in Djibouti People wait in queues to receive medical treatment outside the Chinese hospital ship Peace Ark. It will then travel to Sierra Leone, Gabon, Tanzania and other countries to provide free medical and humanitarian services.
  5. US sanctions against Venezuela won’t work, warns Beijing
  6. China Invites Guinea, Mexico, Tajikistan, Thailand to BRICS Summit
  7. Chinese return from Africa as migrant population peaks - From 1m in 2013, the number of Chinese in the continent is in decline, analysts say
  8. The China Electronics Technology Group (CETC) and Rostec, #Russia’s defence industrial holding company, have expanded their industrial partnership through a teaming arrangement established between subsidiaries of the two groups
  9. U.S. and China now compete to be the more favored #world power: In Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Australia, Peru and Senegal – China overtaking the U.S. in favorability. U.S.’ once-significant lead has fallen to a virtual tie in Kenya, Germany, France, Brazil, Sweden, the UK and Canada
  10. China says North Korea tensions reached 'tipping point'
  11. Beijing is stirring up 'red hot patriotism' among Chinese students on Australian campuses
  12. Russia, China to Join Together in Space Exploration Effort
  13. How China's $60 Billion For Africa Will Drive Global Prosperity
  14. #SaudiArabia signs cooperation deals with China on nuclear energy: Saudi Arabia has been for years trying to diversify its energy mix so that it can export more of its oil, rather than burning it at power and water desalination plants
  15. Chinese police have captured and extradited a U.S. criminal, wanted by Interpol for armed robbery, to the U.S. Justice Department, the latest judicial cooperation between the two countries
  16. Russia-Mongolia-China transport corridor to be up and running by 2018 — minister
  17. US Is "The Greatest Threat To Peace In The World Today," New Poll Finds
  18. #Norway and China have resumed talks on a bilateral free trade deal, Norway's Industry Ministry said
  19. China says it will never allow war or chaos on its doorstep as tensions escalate on Korean Peninsula
  20. China-Russian widebody jet to use self-developed engines
  21. First Chinese national Chen Shaoliang debuts for SANFL's Port Adelaide Magpies
  22. China offers high-yielding rice variety to boost Pakistan’s food security
  23. Discrimination leads older Chinese-Americans to consider suicide at high rates
  24. How Trump's Nafta Threats Are Bringing Mexico and China Together
  25. Zimbabwe govt gives former white owned farms to Chinese farmers
  26. China Reopens Hotly Disputed Fishing Spot to #Philippine Boats: China has been allowing the boats since April into Scarborough Shoal
  27. China, #Russia freight train delivers success, 17,000 tons of cargo: Over the past year, a total of 43 trains have run on the route, delivering more than 17,000 tonnes of products, worth 236 million U.S. dollars, from Guangzhou to Russia
  28. #Mexico president to visit China to boost trade amid NAFTA talks: Mexico’s government is working to get Mexican products and services, especially from small- and medium-sized firms, onto Alibaba’s platform
  29. Russian President Putin's article BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership
  30. Despite strains, Vietnam and China forge closer economic ties
  31. China’s Missile Sanctions Are Taking a Heavy Toll on Both Koreas: The dispute will cut 0.3 percentage point from growth, according to the central bank in Seoul. North Korea has taken a massive blow, with China now refusing to buy coal, iron ore and lead, more than 50% of the nation’s exports
  32. Xi Jinping says a dark shadow looms over the world after years of peace
In Domestic news
  1. The Forest Revolution Headed for Chinese Cities
  2. China's confident 'silver fox' steps into diplomatic limelight
  3. AI-related and coding courses to be set up in China’s primay and secondary schools
  4. China’s Crazy Plan to Keep Sand From Swallowing the World - Can a “Green Great Wall” stave off environmental disaster?
  5. China's border troops continue patrolling, defending Doklam area:FM "We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area" (someone forgot to tell FM theres a deal?)
  6. US Religious Freedom Report Provokes Backlash from Chinese Public: The majority of netizens voiced their disagreement with the report, but many of them seemed to reject its conclusions simply because they see religion in general as a terrible thing
  7. China eclipses Europe as 2020 solar power target is smashed
  8. How China is leading the renewable energy revolution
  9. China launches 8,000 water clean-up projects worth $100b in H1: The projects were devised as part of a 2015 action plan to treat and prevent water pollution, and cover 325 contaminated surface water sites across the country
  10. Chinese charity raises US$2.27m selling art by people with autism
  11. Chinese government advisor says more #Mandarin needed to fight poverty: Efforts to teach minority peoples Mandarin are “not up to scratch” in various places, said Zhu, who is head of the minorities and religions committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference
  12. China lifts 13.9 million people out of poverty each year
  13. Pet-friendly China acupuncturist gets tails wagging again: It appears to be working for "Dan Jiao," who was completely paralysed after a fall that broke his back. After three days of acupuncture, he was slowly able to crawl on his front paws. By the seventh day he was able to limp on all four legs
  14. Face Recognition Spots Wanted Suspects at Qingdao Beer Festival. Police arrest 49 people identified by cameras at event’s entrances.
  15. China one step closer to use of new gas #energy: Promoting the industrialization of gas hydrate will not only upgrade the country's energy security but also reshape its energy mix. China's successful mining of combustible ice in May was seen as a breakthrough
In SciTech news
  1. Silk-based wearable body sensors developed by Chinese scientists may improve sensitivity, flexibility. "There is a whole world of possibilities for silk sensors at the moment. Silk is the ideal material for fabricating sensors that are worn on the body," researcher Yingying Zhang, Ph.D., said
  2. Quantum Teleportation From Space Achieved by China!
  3. US Space Company #NanoRacks Makes History With Client from China: The Beijing Institute of Technology, one of NanoRacks’ latest customers, became the first from China to have an experiment brought onboard the International Space station
  4. First underwater entanglement could lead to unhackable comms: team of Chinese researchers has, for the first time, transmitted #quantum entangled particles of light through water – the first step in using lasers to send underwater messages that are impossible to intercept
  5. The US, China and Russia are working on a #fusion project which could transform energy
  6. China Plans 2019 #Exascale Machine To Grow Sea Power: China will build its first exascale machine on the Shandong province coast as soon as 2019 to support ocean research in the South China Sea and boost China’s maritime expansion
  7. Meet China’s first #AI unicorn Cambricon Technologies: Established by Chen Yunji and Chen Tianshi, two young professors at the Institute of Computing Technology at the Chinese Academy Of Sciences. It has two R&D centres in Beijing and Shanghai and two major product lines — terminals and servers
  8. Shenzhen: City of the Future. The high-tech life of China’s Silicon Valley
  9. Chinese scientists supercharge virus to kill #cancer cells: Oncolytic virotherapy involving the M1 virus, a mosquito-borne pathogen that mainly causes mild illnesses in horses, is believed to have potential for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer
  10. Hyperloop 2.0? Chinese company proposes 4,000kph ‘flying train’
  11. China's artificial intelligence technology is fast catching up to the US, Goldman Sachs says
  12. Direct water splitting with polymer #nanosheets using visible light : The Chinese team shows that 1,3-diyne-linked conjugated microporous polymer nanosheets (CMPNs) are unique semiconducting polymers for efficient visible-light-driven overall water splitting
  13. China is Paving the Way to #Quantum Internet: Recent developments have made the concept of quantum communications and a quantum internet a feasible reality. In fact, some even predict that we will have a quantum internet in as little as 10 years
  14. China's Huawei unveils mobile AI assistant at Berlin's IFA
In Economic news
  1. Green gold: how China quietly grew into a cannabis superpower
  2. Exclusive: Trump vents in Oval Office, "I want tariffs. Bring me some tariffs!"
  3. China is the Greatest Economic Growth in Human History
  4. Chinese most active in adopting #Fintech: Technology-savvy Chinese consumers are most active in adopting financial technology among 20 major markets, Ernst & Young said in a survey. The EY Fintech Adoption Index 2017 found that 69% of China's digitally active population have used Fintech
  5. The Next Decade Of China's Transformation
  6. China Targets $900 Billion in #Technology Consumption by 2020: That objective includes everything from digital products such as drones and wearable devices to services such as online medical consulting, entertainment and travel booking
  7. What Does Industry 4.0 Look Like in China?
  8. Demolish the factories - China's violent economy helps iron ore prices
  9. Wang Tao becomes Asia’s youngest tech billionaire as #DJI finds wealth beneath its wings: Wang founded his drone company DJI in Shenzhen in 2006, building it into a business with an estimated 70 per cent share of the world’s market for recreational drones
  10. China isn’t about to have a Japan-style lost decade
  11. China has become the world's third largest #shalegas producer behind the United States and Canada after delivering an output of almost 8 billion cubic meters in 2016
  12. China sees new world order with oil benchmark backed by gold
  13. China Is Creating the World's Largest Power Company: merger of Shenhua Group Corp., the country’s top coal miner, with China Guodian Corp., among its largest power generators. With assets of $271b, the new entity will be the world’s second-biggest company by revenue and largest by installed capacity
  14. China’s mobile payment systems
  15. Apple Accepts #WeChat Pay In App Store As Apple Pay Fails To Make Inroads In China: Apple’s acceptance of WeChat Pay in its App Stores and Apple Music platforms is a pragmatic one, indicating that Apple perhaps has given up hope for its Apple Pay to make any significant progress in the future
In Military news
  1. China's first homegrown #aircraftcarrier is very likely to start its first sea trials in autumn. China has successfully tested the Type 001A's power system and the carrier will undergo a mooring test in September ahead of schedule, meaning that the ship's power system is all set
  2. China may have new long-range #Quantum sub detector: could extend the range to unheard of dimensions. Submarines could be detected up to six kilometers away, or even longer with further noise reduction
  3. China’s live-fire naval drill may be warning shot to India
  4. China will maintain a high combat readiness level in the disputed area of Doklam (Donglang) near the border with India and Bhutan after reaching an agreement with New Delhi on the disengagement of troops, Director of the Information Office of the Chinese Defense Ministry Wu Qian said
  5. China Plans Civilian-Military Technology Integration In #SciTech Sector By 2020: plan is to build new research units and think tanks on cutting-edge science projects, ranging from manned-space missions to navigation satellite systems to supercomputers
  6. China prepares for an era of asymmetric warfare: Beijing is now betting that swarms of #drones, low-tech hardware knitted together with high-tech artificial intelligence, will become a weapon of the future
  7. Report: China Increasing #Drone Operations in Disputed Seas. Department of Defense projects China will produce tens of thousands of drones, worth more than $10 billion, by 2023. Report documents four drones the S-100, ASN-209, BZK-005, and GJ-1. Last month, China deployed dozens of underwater drones
Other Notables
  1. The Wedding Planner Reviving Naxi Traditions in Lijiang
  2. Titanic’s Chinese Survivors Resurface From Depths of History
  3. The Architect Who Revived China’s Love for Its Ancient Buildings
  4. 【中国战争进行式】 Thousand Years of Chinese War History
  5. Beijing’s traditional courtyard homes to get modern amenities
  6. China's 'Wolf Warrior 2' Becomes 2nd Film in History To Reach $800M in a Single Territory
  8. Why an Aussie legend has Chinese #surfers catching California waves: Townend was in Hangzhou producing the Shootout when the IOC announced surfing would be included in the 2020 Olympics. The next day, a government official arrived from Beijing to speak with him about an Olympic surfing program
  9. #Hollywood Executives Flock to School to Learn Chinese for Business Opportunities
  10. Gen Neo 梁根荣 - Missing You (feat.汪小敏 Tracy Wang) (官方MV)
  11. ​Why China's Social Achievements Are Even Greater Than Its Economic Ones
  12. The film ‘Hooligan Sparrow’
  13. Western Fragility
  14. Warlords Era - Cavalry and Infantry Assault
  15. Left swipe on a Tinder Hong Kong video seen as reinforcing unfair stereotype
  16. 马来西亚高中生陈颖恩《那些你很冒险的梦》
  17. The State Department is tilting dangerously toward China: Away from the limelight of North Korea and trade policy, the State Department has persisted throughout the summer with inexplicable deference to China (lol?)
  18. 中国人民解放军军乐团 《歌唱祖国》
  19. Hero Chinese Cop Goes Viral After Building a Retirement Home for Police Dogs
  20. 19 year old Zhan Shichai aka "Chang Woo Gow" touring Europe. He was 7'10 then, later grew to be 8 feet. (1860s)
  21. The perspective of Chinese society about what is happening between North Korea and Japan
  22. America and China's Codependency Trap
  23. Chinese 'Spider-Man' Posters Are Just Plain Cool
  24. Lu Xiaojun/Liao Hui playing Ping-pong
  25. What are the technologies from China that lead the world?
  26. Man With Deformed Limbs Slays in Traditional Chinese Art
  27. Chinese netizens tell Gigi Hadid she's not welcome to Shanghai a year after a racist picture went viral
  28. Chloe Bennet Defends Changing Her Chinese Last Name: I had (to) pay my rent, and Hollywood is racist and wouldn’t cast me with a last name that made them uncomfortable. The Chinese-American actress was born Chloe Wang, and lived with her father’s family in Shanghai for a stint
  29. Reuters is writing more positive articles about China and Xi. Shows that economics is more important than entrenched political alliance, and the UK propaganda mill is turning around. As OBOR continues to attract with honey, and the US continues to repel by forcefully trying to maintain its hegemon.
  30. 《狼殿下》 "The Wolf" drama series trailer
  31. Street Cleaner Only Eats Noodles to Support His Daughter's Dream of Becoming a Gymnast
  32. In face of Harvey, the US looks like a developing country
  33. How China [is] Translating Economic Development Into Geopolitical Gains
  34. Focus on non-Western films, China’s first ’boutique’ film festival will take place from 10/19 to 10/26, 2017.
  35. Pakistan seafood "flying" to Xinjiang
  36. ‘Respect to my Asian fans’: Gigi Hadid responds to Chinese fans about racist Buddha video: Gigi Hadid has said she has nothing but “appreciation and respect” for her Asian fans following the backlash for her racist video
  37. Answer to Quora: Why is the German foreign minister saying that China is breaking up Europe? What has China done to break up Europe?
  38. ‘Wolf Warrior II’s’ Massive Success Forces Studios to Rethink China Approach
  39. What if East Asian Americans became the Largest Minority in the United States?
  40. China's New Ivy League Incubators - A Victory for Humanities Majors?
  41. BBC asks me, can you film something that reveals Chinese people's miserable life?
  42. What Happened to the Chinese Explorers that Landed in East Africa? History of Chinese in Africa
  43. Jing'an Temple (Shanghai, China)
  44. US Foreign Policy: Hegemony or Stability, Not Both | Global Research
  45. My woke reddit posts were linked to this article exposing foreign pedophile teachers working in China
  46. Six Centuries Ago, Chinese Explorers Left This Coin Behind in Africa
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