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Final FRV Documentary thing(yay) and random short story

lol sup so don't worry I realized that m previous decisions are shit but I can't post here lmao
don't worry the U.R is dead so you don't have to deal with that boring stuff anymore. Update: Turns out there's a limit so you don't see the disclaimer now. I will be forced to move the short story, by itk be linked and not here, to prevent #SPAM.
Maybe I should stop posting entire books..
Spam is a disgusting food. Probably. Idk.
It is around twenty five thousand years INTO the life of the U.R when this new drive is discovered, capable of accessing a million systems. In the span of about a century, a massive war breaks out, bringing down both the U.R and the accord. As a result, the galaxy is split into hundreds of tiny factions covering a few systems.
The United Republic was mainly populated by Acrinians, although we used to be known as Foxians. Eons ago our ancestors left their home galaxy.
After three hundred years they left the next.
In the long voyage, we accidentally entered the slightly wrong coordinates.
It resulted in us entering a wormhole.
Later, we were dropped out above a small ocean world, around a dying red giant
This will start in the year 2436, up until 2740
Eventually, after thousands of years of conflict, a new FYL system was invented.
During the second and final Republic-National war, the armada suffered no losses, and being constructed with living metal infused in the hulls of the vessels, the two severely damaged Vasa class cruisers had repaired themselves.
The sole Lexington class carrier that was there, had, for its time, extremely advanced shielding, which would rival that of the battleships of 2600.
The amount of minerals churned out every month as well, was spectacular.
The Republics main problem was its economy. To counter this, the Republic drew from its massive stockpiles to construct a new series of habitats. These were dubbed the Potomacs, in honor of the Potomac, the construction vessel that assembled the first one.
Currently, there were three Potomacs, all producing massive amounts of power. A fourth was planned.
These all lied in the Eskellion system, the home of Eskellion Prime, which produced the majority of the energy the United Republic consumed.
A few decades before this, a sole U.R science vessel, charting systems, found something astonishing.
Jumping into a black hole system, they found planets.
But that was not what was of interest.
Far southeast of it, a massive structure, stood ruined.
Upon closer inspection, they found that the station had once been a massive structure devoted to the advancement of the sciences, from a long fallen empire.
A construction ship was dispatched at once, to build a defense system around the station, incase anyone, or anything, attacked it.
The logic behind it was, that if it was possible to build such a massive structure, it would also be possible to repair it, replicate it, and mass produce it.
The Republic, sensing that they would be able to repair the “Science Nexus” as they called it, quickly constructed five new colony vessels. As the mines of Rym were improved, two vessels, bound for a large tropical planet to the south, and another to the north, left the shipyards.
The northernmost planet was first. This one would become a new planet devoted to research.
Second was the southern planet, which would become another mineral planet.
The three others would dock with the Potomacs.
The Potomac series of habitat was a heavily moddable, massive orbital station. The first three were specifically designed to pull the Republic out of the economic hole it dug for itself.
Even then, plans were made, once the crisis was solved, the nation to the west crushed, and the war over, for a new subclass of Potomacs.
These would be the Potomac M class stations.
They were built off the same skeleton, but instead of producing power, they would be fitted with a massive central reactor, and huge mining lasers. Just one was manned by twelve billion people.
This was no worry to the Republic.
The 2300s was a age of expansion in every aspect.
The amount of food produced was much larger than needed, and if they were ever to run out, they could just build a Potomac-F, one designed to produce huge amounts of food.
Most new planets would likely be devoted to mining.
After the war, stellar super casinos became popular.
Despite gambling being illegal, it formed a sense of unification in the UR.
Seeing the.. Somewhat positive effects of gambling on massive scales, gambling was turned legal.
In the battle for the enemies capital system, the sole Lexington present, the FVR September,
jumped early. The shields were overloaded, and her reactor was severely damaged.
The captain ordered a jump ASAP.
After that, until 2346, no one had a clue where it ended up.
There are rumors that she entered a higher dimension of hyperspace to make such a long jump so fast.
Her wreck was found in previously uncharted space, on a small desert planet, a decade later.
Two more decades later and the rights to the wreck flipped holdings, into a family that would, in the 2900s, have a monopoly over the financial portion of the universe.
Before the second National-Republic war even began, plans were being made to turn the five planets obtained into massive mining planets, fueling the bulk of the empire.
Alongside massive updates to the mines of Rym, the engineering department was looking into enhancing the mineral scanners, thus improving total output overall.
The navy, was slowly choking the economy of the Republic.
Expansion was needed, and required for survival.
As a result, the planet Bazkarat, was designated by officials the next planet for colonization.
Until 2600 the Republic did not really expand, just colonizing planets to strengthen the economy.
Around 2520 The beacon collapsed into a black hole.
It was the year 2606 that resulted in a explosion of pure hatred across the Republic.
Millions of high level officials around the galaxy simultaneously received a single report:
The FRV Sojourner, was under attack.
FRV Sojourner was a small science vessel, about a hundred and fifty years old. Alongside the FRV Walter Raleigh, they had paved the course for expansion, becoming signs of peace and power, despite their civilians purpose.
The officials, watched, in relief, as the Sojourner jumped out of there. But this relief was misfound.
The massive relay station in Impan reported a simple message, one that would send shockwaves throughout the republic.
FRV Sojourner, destroyed.
The might of the entire navy was mobilized. Even Crusade squadron was involved. All space Amoebas would be ruthlessly hunted until they were extinct.
This campaign lasted two years.
As it concluded, the battlecruiser FRV Sojourner II was constructed, in honor of those that died in the Sojourners destruction.
It was but a mere few years lated the primitves on Mondaks Retreat, a planet in the same system as Rym, discovered nuclear power.
A prompt response was needed, and sent out.
All nuclear weapons were seized, for their own good, by the Republic.
They were dismantled and repurposed in Croken station.
then taught the secrets of the hyperdrive, gifted a planet, and left alone.
But suddenly they hated us. For no reason. We helped them along, and here they are, insulting us! They called our society,"Flawed and inefficient"
Here we are churning out stations the size of planets, receiving more resources in a month then they could store, with them barely even able to fund a formatiom of Corvettes, and they called US flawed! Pathetic.
In they year 2636 a declaration of war was made. We would seize Mondaks retreat.
One of the most unique engagements in the history of war occuredn. N.
Two massive orbital stations, dueled it out. There was no starships or armies, just two spaceports bqw forrawling.
In the end, our spaceport won, after a week of sucking up salvo after salvo. Simultaneously, our fleet moved on both Mondaks and the planet we gifted them.
As it was bombarded, the gifted planet rebelled. Bombardment concluded at once.
The fleet headed to Mondaks Retreat.
The first Republic-Confederacy conflict concluded in a victory.
We made a offer to preserve their empire.
They took it immediately.
The next ten years started the widespread construction of a line of massive orbital stations, of which most are destroyed, devoted completely to the advancement of the sciences. The rebellion was crushed, and the planet returned into the hands of the Confederacy.
It appears, that the Republic did not want the Confederacy to fall. It seems what they wanted, was for the Confederacy to take Bhudghobbd, in Beta Caeli, one of the far flung, useless colonies, in exchange for total control of Rym and Mondak. Afterall, before seizing the nuclear missiles, which are beleived to have been repurposed for new missileboats, they were seen more as a pet, than anything.
The Republic saw them as a toy. They hated us, we hated them. If they felt they grew to strong, the Republic would declare war, maybe take a few planets, and destroy the enemy fleet.
Meanwhile, a third ringworld was under construction, the one of Halbargaara. Apparently, it would be a massive shipyard. The actualy existence of the Halbargaara ring, however, has never been confirmed. Ever since the massive war that marked the end of the Republic and Rym Confederacy, the location has been lost. There are rumors that the ancient battleship Ghost still roams the galaxy, with old charts showing the state of the Republic at its height.
The Ghost, was, at one point, in 2436, a Lexington class fleet carrier, named FRV September. This specific vessel saw action in the second National-Republic conflict of the twenty four thirties.
When returning to Delta after the conflict concluded, the drive malfunctioned, sending the entire ship into a “Higher Dimension” of hyperspace, beleived to be the one we use in modern times. She traveled across the galaxy, crashing into a desert planet.
In the 2900s the vessel was salvaged, and would see battle as a super laser equipped pirate ship.
The ancient Halbargaa ring, built a hundred years after the first Sterope ring, apparently encompassed a Type G star. (Yellow dwarf) A likely candidate for Halbargaa is located in the sector (X324), (Y639), a Type G with a massive ring of debris, and no planets or asteroids.
Of course, the Sterope and Izta rings are both still used today, even tens of thousands of years after their construction. The massive sensor relay used by the Republic from the 2550s until its demise, was completely destroyed after a dreadnought rammed it at lightspeed in the end of the Republics life.
During the 2660s, another rebellion arose on Bhudghobbd. It was this time, left alone.
Around this time a order of 25 Snappers was thrown out there.
The Snappers design are as follows:
2x Medium Gamma Lasers
3x Large Gauss Cannons
1xTachyon Lance
4x Hyper Sheild Projectors.
The Snapper class was constructed of a mixture of crystal plating and living metal, creating a super heavy metal that both repaired itself and could suck up very heavy punishment. Some of these mass produced dreadnoughts are still present today, with the UNSFF fielding about a dozen for anti pirates.
Each one took 222 days to be churned out. They single handedly could siege a spaceport of their time and come out on top, while the Gamma lasers were good enough deterents to fend off smaller vessels.
The lance was able to wipe out most small vessels in a single blast, completely bypassing sheilding and nearly all armor.
In the year 2670 the Confederacy fell, with Mondak being left with really no purpose, no plans in place, and just left alone. It was mainly used as a pit stop for civilian starships.
In 2672 it was determined that the rebellion that had arisen in Beta Caeli, the one that was left alone, was not to be trusted. The Republic left them alone, keeping a weary eye on them. They were small, but as soon as they got a fleet that could take down a spaceport, they would be a threat.
However, fortunately, their development was capped off. With closed borders, they were limited to the northwestern portion of the accessible galaxy. Alongside this, the quality of the defense stations ordered around starports, and all over the capital system, formed a interlinking network of withering fire, each one being able to take on five Snappers at once, or about eleven early battleships. And with the massive technological leaps the U.R
By this time the first section of the Halbargaa ring world had supposedly come online, and the U.R produced enough minerals in a month to order a Vasa and Snapper class each month, which would, hopefully by the 2730s, be up to two Snappers orderable a month, as the Republic expanded slowly. Nearly two trillion people lived in the Republic by this time. (I count 1 pop as a billion.)
With the presence of a new foe, that had plenty of space to expand, the Sentry array was quickly guarded by a network of interlocking firing zones, to create a absolute deathtrap for any vessel caught in it.
Although with the combination of shipyards, average ship speed, and just age, it would be thought that it would now be defenseless, but that is not the case. The same can be said most likely for the rumored array to the south eastern portion of the galaxy, ancient holopads saying that a ruined array was found a few decades after the first was completed.
Seeing as they already had one, no resources were channeled into restoring it, though it was claimed and fortified in the case another empire ever came onto the galactic stage, they could not take it, atleast not without a fight.
Eventually, a abandoned vessel, seemingly a large yacht, was found in a asteroid belt.
It seems that atleast two of these vessels had been constructed, as one vessel with the exact same design was already in service, from a similar fate. This vessel found now, with the exact same “Super Engines” was disassembled, used for building a unique skyscraper on Delta. The engines were studied, and the knowledge from it was used in improving the Impulse engine design.
The speed of the Republic warships was unmatched.
At this time the Halbargaa ring was, according to records, starting to come online. Though yet to be colonized, there was already a portion completed, and another was being constructed. As well as this, a colony vessel had already landed on a large planet. In the coming decades, this specific system would be one of the most important systems in the Republic, churning out a massive amount of minerals.
But this output came at the price of vulnerability. Though surrounding systems were turned into fortress systems, this area was still but a few jumps from the Gubec Galactic Assembly, the former rebellion in the Beta Caeli system.
Though it would be very long before they could mount a offensive with the capability of taking a system, it was dangerous none the less.
A few years after touchdown on the planet, a new fleet was churned out.
Designated the first strike group, it contained the following:
3 supercarriers, the first off the lines.
5 Vasa class torpedo cruisers.
9 Defender class picket destroyers.
These carriers were extroadinarily fast, able to cross a system at unheard of speed.
This specific group would see intense action in the coming decades, in numerous wars against the Assembly.
The carriers were fast, definitely, but this came with the sacrifice of lacking hull durability.
The fleet was completely done by 2700, the flagship being the battlecruiser Sojourner II.
Their first assignment was to destroy some enemy vessels blocking the assemblies expansion, although soon after they departed the assembly insulted the republic, and the vessels were called back.
In the year 2690, a plan project was made.
The Sterope ring was the first ringworld the republic constructed, and it was completely devoted to technological advancment in all fields.
This plan was to build a third Dyson Sphere, then three more ringworlds.
One would be completely devoted to physics, the second to engineering, and the third to bio.
While the Republic enhanced everything, with super heavy sheilding and vessels, two colony ships touched down on Beta Caeli IV, and a planet on a nearby systems planet, both owned by the Assembly.
The Republic watched warily as they obtained destroyer sized vessels. Meanwhile, the Vasa's were enhanced, and one of them could now take on a old battleship and cruiser. In 2704 a battlecruiser was patrolling near Assembly space, when the array detected a small, unmanned vessel approaching. The array attempted to alert the FRV warships, but to no avail. The battlecruiser exploded and split in half, burnig up in the atmosphere of Sym. The ship that had approached was determined to be a assembly bomb ship. All twenty thousand aboard were killed.
Called a "Blatant act of terrorism" by the first speaker, a pair of Agincourt battleships was dispatched, steamrolling though the assembly as a warning. The capital city of Bhudghobb was leveled completely, along with a billion civilians.
Reeling In shock, they left each other alone.
Those who were related to the people killed aboard the battlecruiser simply had to live with the loss. Meanwhile the new Sphere was nearing completion.
It was the year 2729 when the Second Carrier Sqaudron was assembled, mirroring the first, with three super carriers, two battlecruisers, eight Vasas, and twenty destroyers of varying types.
By 2730 the sphere was finally completed, as well as the superheavy mining station of Rym II.
Across the Republic, massive new generator stations based off of the old Potomacs were constructed, and miniscule enhancements in the plants resulted in a massive amount of power gained overall.
Every two months the Republics massive mines put out enough minerals to build a unequipped massive Potomac sized station, and a corvette.
Construction on the first Ringworld, the frame having long earlier been constructed, finally commenced. This first one would be devoted completely to physics, a field that lagged behind compared to engineering and society.
As well as this, the large station "Defender." Was constructed, in the Fortress system dividing the Republic and the Bebaki. The nearest Beabakan star system being a single jump away, the friction even furtherly negatively impacted the two nation's relationship.
Despite the first wars lessons, the Assembly sent a hijacked cruiser and sent it into the atmosphere of Delta, wiping out a major population center, and killing billions, leading to the second Assembly war.
As the Galaxy heated up from the assemblies terrorism, the first new ring world was being built. As well as this, a series of late stations, the size of moons, although smaller then a Nexus, were being constructed, devoted entirely to research.
The second assembly war lasted half a year. Its main event was the great Terebellium chase.
The First Carrier Sqaudron was already stationed at Revannic, a few jumps from Assembly space. When the war broke out, they were ordered to destroy the remote starbases on the border, and then chase down and destroy the enemy fleet.
The Sqaudron had little problem with the starbases, and was followed by the main army of the Republic. The Accords fleet, a large formation of primitive destroyers and corvettes, completely bypassed the Sqaudron, and attacked the armies, a system behind.
The carriers quickly turned back. It was stressful, but eventually they made it, and though some vessels were heavily damaged, no ships were destroyed. In the battle between the Sqaudron and the Accord, the Kestrel class corvette FRV Zhengsheng was destroyed, and her sister was heavily damaged. A monument to the 578 men on Zhengsheng would be constructed in the 2770s, some of the first Republic casualties in the following wars.
Researchers were held with very high regard in the republic, the few who could lead science vessels or the different divisions, were practically gods in the public's eyes.
The capital city of Delta was dominated with the tips of the Xeno Biology museum, and capital complex super scrapers towers. On the outskirts was a massive research institute, with a massive sentient supercomputer, and logs of all technological advancements. This alone greatly enhanced the speed of research. Of course by now the Republic was in a constant diplomatic fire fight, insults flying over diplomatic lines.
During the construction of one of the rings, the Bebakans requested to send engineers to observe.
Such was promptly denied, for fear of yet another terrorist attack.
It was then that the Republic concluded terraforming efforts on a large tomb world, it had been a success. Radiation was back to the normal background levels for the type of star it orbited, and the planet was now covered with large, deep oceans.
In the 2750s war was once again declared, after the illegal seizing of the large civilian liner RV Velvet Abyss. (FRV stands for Federal Republic Vessel, while RV just Republic Vessel.)
The Velvet Abyss was relatively new, built in 2743. She measured stem to stern, 20 kilometers long, and a tenth that In height.
The seizing of the Velvet Abyss occurred when the vessel came " To close" to Accord space. As a result the vessel was boarded and a small but intense firefight broke out. During so the ship attempted to leave, but was hit by a volley of missiles near the reactor, and the ship, twice the size of a Republic battleship, exploded in a blaze of glory taking six hundred thousand lives. There were no survivors on either vessel. The power of the blast wiped out all station in the system.
All out war was declared. The First and second sqaudrons were in their space before they even knew it. Though it would be to power taxing to activate a hundred and fifty one sensor cloaking devices for the armies, they followed a few jumps behind.
The First Carrier sqaudron, the flag held on Sojourner II, spearheaded the assault, going straight for the heart of their empire, and assaulted the spaceport as well as a pair of small warships above their capital. The Relays reported that the enemies fleet, was now chasing down the faster transports, through the Terebellium system.
The transports were theoretically defenseless, but they were fast. With Impulse thrusters, enhanced from the technology duggen up from the old abandoned star yacht mentioned earlier. It was not hard for them to outrun the fleet. The problem was they could not get over to the next system before being caught. So as a result, they just played a long cat and mouse game that ended next to the hyperlane from Sym.
The turns started to let them catch up with the armies when a gaping rip between dimensions opened up.
Out of it came the Second Carrier Sqaudron. This was its baptism of combat, and it deeply confused the Accord Commanders. What they failed to realize was that the First Carrier Sqaudron, was not, infact, not, the main battlefleet of the Republic. The main battlefleet was actually a hundred times larger then both these fleets combined.
Each carrier sqaudron was composed of three super carriers, two battlecruisers, eight Vasas, twenty various destroyers, and two Kestrels.
It was a single pronged strike that had ended up kebabing the forces of the Accord in mere weeks. As the Accords fleet was crushed like bugs under the Second Sqaudron, the first was a jump away dealing with the spaceport above Bhudghobbd, and getting ready for orbital bombardment.
The two carrier sqaudrons had simultaneously destroyed their only mobile defense against the untouched landing force, and most of their ability to deploy warships.
The two sqaudrons then rendevoused for bombardment, to help along the invasion forces.
But they surrendered
The first section of the Rimmock Ringworld had been completed, the first labs were already under construction. Much to the northwest, nearer the border but yet far behind it, the first portion of the engineering ring was under construction.
This portion was finished and col onized by the 2780s.
By 2790 a new fleet had left the lines, its flagship a new escort carrier type, two Vasas, and a dozen corvettes. This fleet would conduct patrols on the outer reaches of the Republic. The system Rimmock was essential to the Republics security, even without the ring world. If a enemy fleet were to ever push even to the system north of it-
Rimmock would be the final fortress system before they could wreak havoc on the capital. And, it would cut the Republic completely in half if the system was to fall.
Fortunately, this was only a threat in the imminent future if there was ever a mutiny in the battle fleet.
Now it is here I should detail the average Republic capital ship.
By the year 2770 the Republic had about 125 capital ships.
Realistically, this is a very small number considering the massive economy of the Republic. They could, if they wanted to, produced about seventy Orion class battleships a year.
Of course, the Orion did not exist back then.
One U.R battleship could quickly destroy a spaceport, as long as it was not one of their own. They were flying command vessels, a feat of engineering. They only got more advanced as time went on.
The average U.R capital ship had four large Hyper Shield projectors, was made of Crystalline plates, and had a sentient, yes, sentient, super computer directing the fire of the weapons.
The U.R battleship of the 2770s could face a trio of the ancient “Reliant” class fleet carriers.
Though the Reliants had Hypershields as well, their usefulness was limited, for:
They did not have Zero-Point reactors.
The sheilding was not as advanced as the U.R shielding.
The lack of advanced reactors limited how many subsystems could be placed on the ship at once.
This was countered by the fact that the Reliants bombers could completely bypass the shielding, however most U.R capital ships had massive shield buster guns.
One single battlestation could take on 16 of these vessels. That is about half of the total amount of Reliants ever produced.
Two of the battlestations could take on the entire Deltan Republics navy, as of when they departed their second home, although it is likely one would go down.
The Jurii Covenant would be steamrolled, as they could not take to many fortress systems before falling, and would likely be caught by the Republics main battlefleet, which was six times larger then the Covenants fleet as of 2780, while the two carrier fleets could simultaneously conduct invasions.
In 2750 twenty “Snapper” class battleships were ordered from Danube, a portion of the old Sterope ringworld.
The Snapper class, when first designed in the 2360s, was to be the main ship of the line, although this title ended up falling to the older Agincourt class battleships.
The Snapper was expensive and powerful. It had a massive Tachyon Lance, firing particles at FTL speeds, completely bypassing shielding and delivering devastating blows that could wipe out most small ships, and do heavy damage to everything else. Production on the ships stopped completely in the 2450s, and the Snappers, though kept up to date and maintained well, were relics.
This is not to say that they were obsolete. They were far from it. It was actually superior to many of the capital ships in the fleet.
These snappers were the first ones built in three centuries.
In 2765 a new battleship was designed and put into service.
This battleship followed a single strategy.
Heavily armored, single deflector, shield buster ship.
It had a massive gun on the bow, and was loaded with artillery.
It only had a single shield projector, although it had the efficiency of two and a half of the older hypershield projectors.
Originally, the designer wanted to fit it with old chemical engines to lessen the reactor load, but this was thrown out the window, as such a slow vessel would prove more of a nuisance in war time then a actual fighting force, drastically slowing down the fleet, when speed could be a matter of life or death for the far flung colonies.
Originally, few were built, until the introduction of the First Battlefleet, twice the size of the First Carrier sqaudron, (Henceforth the FCS)
in the early 2770s.
In 2780 it was required that at all times, if all Federal ships were to mobilize at once, the Republic should still posess the ability to receive 300 extra energy credits simultaneously, as the Armada was useless, for total mobilization of it would slaughter the Republics economy in mere months.
To prevent this, a new Dyson Sphere was ordered, near Croken Station.
Croken Station was a Potomac R, a Potomac devoted to research only. It housed and cared for twelve billion researchers and their families. It orbited a massive black hole, and was top secret
Two decades later, as the new Dyson Sphere was startin to come
After the conclusion of the Samnivik Fleet Crisis, the galaxy was quiet. Life went on, the Republic continued construction of new research stations.
Finally, after decades of the projects dormancy, construction started on the ringworld that would house the biological labs, although only after the Perqim dyson sphere was constructed.
The massive industrial capacity also endlessly expanded.
In 2825, the main armada reached 700k on the FP scale, while the Confederacy lagged behind at about 7.8k.
In total the navy was at about 820k.
If wanted, the U.R could put out two new capital ships every month.
It was then the U.R looked into a secret base of operations. A secret battlefleet in a secret system, with a spaceport capable of massproducing massive ships.
The systems nearby Jurg Hulaghh, a old planet taken from primitives in a invasion and still far from the Republics main systems, were chosen.
However, this would never come to light.
In 2838 a defence fleet of five new “Galleon” class ships, large, heavily armored vessels with plasma cannons, was constructed for Trophy.
After this, war was declared, where they would make their debut.
They peformed even better then expected, and in a fight against the confederacy navy, wiped out their entire fleet, of which the five enemy battleships had spinal mounted weaponry, which the galleons lacked, on the fringes of Samnivik.
The cry for all galleons to open fire would be stolen by thousands of admirals following.
The five “Grand Galleons” as they were called, would be the main diplomatic escort for the higher ups. Eventually they would get the single “Battle Galleon” a Horizantus class equipped with cannons.
They also softened up the ground defenses of Monument after said space battle, in which the entirety of the Confederacy fleet was destroyed by said galleons. (Not one galleon was lost.)
Very little survivors from the Confederacy fleet were picked up, as most of the crew members were killed in the vacuum when the cannons ate through the hull.
The galleons would be one of the rarer capital ships, although still very powerful. Additionaly, The Armada received five.
In the 2840s it was found that the economy could now support the Armada away from its home of Danube, a portion of the Sterope ring world.
By this point the Armada was at about 760k on the FP scale.
The FBF was lucky enough to receive one of the said galleons, which would become the flagship.
The Galleons played a critical role in the fleets.
They had both heavy armor, and heavy shielding. (Very few of the ships in the Republic had armor.) Additionaly, they used weapons that easily bypassed armor, while the main fleet focused on anti shielding weaponry.
Armor covered 86% of the ship on the first Galleons, later being upped to 90%
They served as the command ships of the fleet, before the Dreadnoughts were introduced.
(One dreadnought had armor, heavy shielding, three gamma lasers, and three gauss cannons, as well as a mixture of a hull that had a mixture of living metal, crystalline plates, and the regenerative hull tissue of the space ameoba, creating the ultimate ship.)
The galleons were cheaper then most of the main capital ships, but never entered true mass production, and compared to most other ships like the Vasa class torpedo cruisers, the Agincourt and snapper class battleships, few were ever built.
The five “Grand Galleons” spent most of their time, when not peforming a task, as a early buffer between the Confederacy and the Republic.
You see, the Confederacy could not be in a worse place.
The main battlefleet was slow and far behind the capital.
The Confederacys main link to the Republic was but a few jumps from Rimmock, the engineering ringworld and the main highway between the Republic and the outer galaxy.
This was because this region of the galaxy, though near completely uninhabited, except for Rovannic, which even then is a stretch, was the quickest link between the core of the U.R and Uva Xavani.
Uva Xavani consisted of thirteen planets, and consisted of all systems once under control of the old National empire, destroyed in the National Republic wars of the late 2300s.
To go to the southern link, you would have most of the megastructures, as this area had a greater concentration of empty systems, completely useless.
If such a empire ever reach Rimmock, the western portion of the galaxy would be cut off near completely, and it would take months longer to reach Uva Xavani.
The only immediately available buffer was a small formation of ancient cruisers, with little shielding and armor, a slow hyperdrive, and a horrible design.
These ships had all been pulled from the gas wells of various gas giants.
It was suddenly when a massive coordinated terrorist attack destroyed the hyper comm forms around the Republic.
Surprisingly, they were not replaced.
About two decades after this event, as a new Dyson Spheres frame was being built, came the Asterion Incursion.
It resulted in the planet of Markaz III to be near completely pulverized, and it was only two years after the start of bombardment, six billion were dead.
In the year 2900 a new dyson sphere was finished. In 2904 , after nearly three centuries of the plan existing, the bio-research ring finally was colonized.
Two years before, in 2902, a new battlecruiser, the “Holy Fire” class,(Ironic, as gods were beleived in by a fraction of the population), FRV Fall Of Pompeii, became the new flagship of the fleet.
In 2915 a new dyson sphere was ordered.
Now, as we all know, today we use credits as currency. This is a development of the “ECU.” The United Republic used a scale of a qaudrillion ECU=1 Energy Credit, with a maximum surplus of about twenty thousand. By this time, if the fleet had not been mobilized, they could produce about 950 Energy Credits a month. The purpose of the newest Dyson sphere was to push economic security. We can see this, as in the 2940s, after said spheres completion, work was commenced on a new ring world, which would become a massive reactor. Although significant measures were taken, in the fortyfour sixties, the ring world would be hit by a massive swarm of advanced Bebaki missiles, quickly taking down the shielding and causing a chain reaction that pulverized the ring, along with a hundred billion souls.
In 2917 a suprise attack by the Armada on Budhghobbd was caried out.
In this war, the battlecruisers FRV Leeroy and FRV Jenkins, jumped ahead of the Armada into Bebaki space, and when the fleet arrived to save them from the onslaught, it quickly evolved into a chaotic fleet battle, with freindly fire claiming seven cruisers, three capital ships, and fourteen destroyers. Additionaly, Bebaki fire claimed the lives of the two cruisers.
FRV Jenkins was also severely damaged in a collision with a freindly armored cruiser of the Tramp class.
The Tramp was relatively old, with multiple missile systems and gauss cannons. It was heavily armored, slow, and lightly shielded, designed to absorb blows and overload point defense systems. It was the workhorse of the FRV until neutron torpedoes were introduced, with the Vasa class. After the introduction of the heavily shielded Vasa, the Tramps were kept in service but production halted on all. The occasional order for one might be sent to a backwater world every few years, but other than that they fell out of the spotlight
This specific Tramp was only mildly damaged, as the collision impacted one of five neutronium armor belts, although multiple plates buckled. Unfortunately, when The Jenkins attempted to go over the ship, the mangled remains of the #2 laser battery, mangled beyond repair, impacted the bridge, causing it to be exposed to the void, the command crew dying of asphyxiation.
The captains of both the Leeroy and Jenkins were court martialed for destruction of federal property, (Up to fifteen qaudrillion ECUs worth, of which a Energy credit is worth half a qaudrillion), mass murder, and extreme incompetence. They were summarily execueted.
FRV Jenkins had to be scrapped from the extent of the damages, and was broken up over Baltris. Her surviving weaponry was sent to weaponry emplacements on various cruisers and frigates.
Four hundred thousand, though miniscule compared to the total fleet, were killed in this engagement. (FRV Ships are kinda crew intensive) I typically count it as 20k per cruiser, 50k per battleship.
The horrific loss had a severe morale impact, and efficiency was estimated to decline by all the way up to 10%.
In the years following the engagement, specifficaly in 2920, a new battleship class entered service and mass production. This new vessel was the best of the best, with three heavy Gamma laser and heavy gauss cannon emplacements each. It had a large belt of Neutronium armor, in which the four hypershield projectors were surrounded.
The main weapons control was in a heavily armored nook between the reactor array, a array of massive zero point reactors, and the engine compartments. It was circular, in the middle of the neutronium belt, split into the laser and Gauss sections, for their weaponry. It was coordinated by a central computer, that ensured the ship was as effective as possible without danger of malfunction, and all weaponry attacked a single target.
The class was named "Successor", and became an icon, the ideal target that any cadet worked up to, to command a Successor class. Additionally, safety measures learned from the raid of Bhudghobd ensured such heavy friendly fire would never happen again. The shells could automatically detonate when it identified a allied ship in it's trajectory of fire. Exactly how they did this we have no clue.
These behemoths quickly replaced the Agincourt class, with fifty being ordered after seeing it's efficiency, ten yards getting five each, initially. They rose the Armada on the FP scale to 1.2 million, up to 1.4. Each was individually around 3.4K FP. Most FRV capital ships sat above this line, but it was only so low because the FP scale tends to favor gunsniber lasers. Who can blame em?

Of course, this is all dead wrong.

Although remotely based in fact, this “History” Of the United Republic, is plain wrong. storeh(was bored):
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[H] Humble Bundle Leftovers, Steam Gifts [W] CSGO Keys, Paypal

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Last Update: Aug 5
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[H] 414 Great GIFT Games [W] TF2 keys and items, CSGO keys and items

Last Update: Aug 10
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What is «.5»? This is 4 REF or 1 Capsule Key.




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[H] 407 Great GIFT Games [W] TF2 keys and items, CSGO keys and items

Last Update: Aug 3
I'm selling more than 4OO games for keys and items!
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Prices are in TF2 / CS:GO Keys.


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  • I also can accept CS:GO skins and items:
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